Thread: Fwd: Help with removing instrument response

Started: 2015-01-01 23:15:47
Last activity: 2015-01-20 00:13:26
Topics: SAC Help
  • Milton Plasencia
    2015-01-01 19:18:41
    Dear Thulasiraman,

    Your process is correct, only there some importante details.

    1) Your sensor seems a gephone with corner frequency at 5 Hz , so 5 Hz high pass.
    in this scenario your freqlimits are wrong, you can use 6 10 40 50 for example.

    2) Your command transfer from polezero subtype SAC_PZs_YA_LOT1 to vel freqlimits 0.001 0.1 40 50
    i will change to vel —> to none and also change the freqlimits.
    if you do to vel, you obtain velocity, but i do not know if it is that you want

    i will use: transfer from polezero subtype SAC_PZs_YA_LOT1 to none freqlimits 6 10 40 50
    to obtain displacement.



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
    OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
    (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
    Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
    Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
    Cel.: +39 331 6481 935

    E-mail: mplasencia<at>

    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    On Jan 1, 2015, at 10:45, Thulasiraman Natarajan <geothulasi<at>> wrote:


08:57:07 v.af9cd46b