Thread: fdsn stationxml

Started: 2013-04-03 21:27:51
Last activity: 2013-04-03 23:16:58
Topics: Web Services
Philip Crotwell
2013-04-03 21:27:51

The docs for the top level FDSNStationXML element say:

Top-level type for Station XML. Required field are Source (network ID
of the institution sending the message) and one or more
Network containers or one or
more Station containers.

but if I am reading the schema right, the FDSNStaionXML element can only
contain <Network>s directly and not Station containers. Are the docs
incorrect, or is there a way that Stations will live in the FDSNStationXML
element without being in a Network?


  • Chad Trabant
    2013-04-03 23:16:58

    Hi Philip,

    I think that's just language left over from schema that we started with, our interpretation of the schema is that all Station elements must be children of Network elements.


    On Apr 3, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Philip Crotwell <crotwell<at>> wrote:


    The docs for the top level FDSNStationXML element say:

    Top-level type for Station XML. Required field are Source (network ID
    of the institution sending the message) and one or more Network containers or one or
    more Station containers.

    but if I am reading the schema right, the FDSNStaionXML element can only contain <Network>s directly and not Station containers. Are the docs incorrect, or is there a way that Stations will live in the FDSNStationXML element without being in a Network?

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