Thread: Combined feedback

Started: 2013-04-16 21:10:26
Last activity: 2013-04-17 00:33:36
Topics: Web Services
Celso Reyes
2013-04-16 21:10:26
Hi Philip,
Thank you for the continued feedback; I'm glad you're exercising the services so thoroughly. Let me gather the responses to a few of your emails here. Even though we haven't responded to all of them, we've seen them. Chad has been out of the office, so discussion on several of the issues will await his return.

QA Engineer

4/15 IRIS specific restrictions or common?
Latitude, Longitude, Minradius, Maxradius Footnote in the event service:
That was a vestigial comment from when the documentation was migrated. None of these parameters are required any more. The defaults are listed in the parameter details, and the documentation has been corrected.

4/15 event examples give Error 400: Bad Request
Incorrect examples for the EVENT service:
* The first example, "not enough search parameters" is correct, but the service behavior isn't. This will be corrected in a minor release.
* The second example. (Yes instead of true), Fixed.

4/12 java library still uses old web services
The new Java library is currently being worked on. There were many changes that relate to the different schema, which means that the new library will not be plug-and-play for the most part. For example, since the schema has been "simplified" there are no station epoch or channel epoch levels. I do not have a release date for this yet, but this is being actively developed and we hope to have it out "soon", along with the irisFetch MATLAB routines.

4/9 stationxml for responses is invalid
- Poles before Zeros vs Zeros before Poles: This will be corrected in a minor release

4/9 required vs optional attributes
The WADL's are still being improved and modified, so some detail, such as the use="optional" will likely be better standardized. In the end the WADL's should agree with the information presented in the root page's "Parameter Detail" grid.

4/9 lots o' comments
We took note of the suggestion. Fortunately, there are very few stations that have this detailed level of commenting.

  • Philip Crotwell
    2013-04-17 00:33:36

    Thanks for the response.

    On the java library for the new web service item, I was not meaning to say
    that the new library needs to be there, just that it is confusing to link
    to the old library from the new web service page. Just zap the link until
    you are ready.

    Will wait for more details when Chad returns.


    On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 5:10 PM, Celso Reyes <celso<at>>wrote:

    Hi Philip,
    Thank you for the continued feedback; I'm glad you're exercising the
    services so thoroughly. Let me gather the responses to a few of your
    emails here. Even though we haven't responded to all of them, we've seen
    them. Chad has been out of the office, so discussion on several of the
    issues will await his return.

    QA Engineer

    4/15 IRIS specific restrictions or common?
    Latitude, Longitude, Minradius, Maxradius Footnote in the event service:
    That was a vestigial comment from when the documentation was migrated.
    None of these parameters are required any more. The defaults are listed in
    the parameter details, and the documentation has been corrected.

    4/15 event examples give Error 400: Bad Request
    Incorrect examples for the EVENT service:
    * The first example, "not enough search parameters" is correct, but the
    service behavior isn't. This will be corrected in a minor release.
    * The second example. (Yes instead of true), Fixed.

    4/12 java library still uses old web services
    The new Java library is currently being worked on. There were many
    changes that relate to the different schema, which means that the new
    library will not be plug-and-play for the most part. For example, since
    the schema has been "simplified" there are no station epoch or channel
    epoch levels. I do not have a release date for this yet, but this is
    being actively developed and we hope to have it out "soon", along with the
    irisFetch MATLAB routines.

    4/9 stationxml for responses is invalid
    - Poles before Zeros vs Zeros before Poles: This will be corrected in a
    minor release

    4/9 required vs optional attributes
    The WADL's are still being improved and modified, so some detail, such as
    the use="optional" will likely be better standardized. In the end the
    WADL's should agree with the information presented in the root page's
    "Parameter Detail" grid.

    4/9 lots o' comments
    We took note of the suggestion. Fortunately, there are very few stations
    that have this detailed level of commenting.

    webservices mailing list

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