Thread: seisFile-1.6.0-beta1

Started: 2013-04-22 20:38:52
Last activity: 2013-04-22 20:38:52
Topics: Web Services
Philip Crotwell
2013-04-22 20:38:52
Hi all

Still very much a work in progress, but it being Monday I have decided to
put out a beta version of seisFile 1.6 which includes support for the three
new FDSN web services.

Simple examples of how to code against the 3 services are here:




Tarball is here:

I have also put together three simple "clients" that allow queries to the
services based on command line arguments. So, you can do things like:

Events bigger than 7.5 IN 2012 (ie 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31). Note that
unspecified parts of times (like month and day in this case) are rounded
down for begin times and up for end times.

bin/fdsnevent -b 2012 -e 2012 -m 7.5
52.788/-132.101 7.8 MW 2012-10-28T03:04:08.8200
10.085/-85.315 7.6 MW 2012-09-05T14:42:07.8000
10.811/126.638 7.6 MW 2012-08-31T12:47:33.3800
49.8/145.064 7.7 MW 2012-08-14T02:59:38.4600
0.802/92.463 8.2 MW 2012-04-11T10:43:10.8500
2.327/93.063 8.6 MW 2012-04-11T08:38:36.7200

HHZ channels from JSC or CASEE in the CO network:

bin/fdsnstation -n CO -s JSC,CASEE -c HHZ -L channel
CO.CASEE 34.993/-82.9317 null Lake Jocassee, SC, USA 2009-12-07T00:00:00
00.HHZ 0.0/-90.0 1.0 METER 2009-12-07T00:00:00
CO.JSC 34.2818/-81.25966 null Jenkinsville, South Carolina
00.HHZ 0.0/-90.0 0.5 METER 2009-04-13T00:00:00

A minute of miniseed data from a couple of channls at CO.BIRD:
bin/fdsndataselect -n CO -s BIRD -l 00 -c HHZ,HHN,HHE -b
2013-04-01T00:00:00 -e 2013-04-01T00:01:00 -o bird.minseed

Each of these also has a --help for details and a --printurl so they can be
used as a command line "url builder" as well. For example adding to the
last command:
bin/fdsndataselect -n CO -s BIRD -l 00 -c HHZ,HHN,HHE -b
2013-04-01T00:00:00 -e 2013-04-01T00:01:00 -o bird.minseed --printurl,00&station=BIRD,BIRD&channel=HHZ,HHZ,HHN,HHE&network=CO

Hopefully an official release is not far off. There are very likely bugs
and rough edges, so please send feedback or questions, or just send me an
email to say you are using it.


23:58:19 v.af9cd46b