Thread: Does Mustang work?

Started: 2015-10-05 21:45:56
Last activity: 2015-10-05 23:14:16
Topics: Web Services
Shahar Barak
2015-10-05 21:45:56

I tried using mustang, but it doesn't work. I tried with various
networks/station combinations, and also tried to change other parameters
such as channel, etc.
I always get a "400 No targets were found after filtering"

For example"*&output=html&timewindow=2011-09-30T21:32:19,2011-10-05T21:32:19

  • Mary Templeton
    2015-10-05 23:14:16
    Hi Shahar,

    It's great to see that you're giving MUSTANG a try! Let me see if I can
    shed some light on why the query you sent isn't working… Here is a similar
    query that does work:[12ENZ]&format=text&timewindow=2011-09-30T21:32:19,2015-10-05T21:32:19

    I made 5 changes to your original query:

    1) changed to
    2) deleted &loc=--
    3) I used BH[12ENZ] instead of BH*
    4) changed &output=html to &output=text
    5) changed the year of the end date to 2015

    1) we try to use "metric" to mean the algorithm that's running and "measurement" to mean the values
    computed by the algorithm that get stored in the database. (In a week, a channel will have 7 measurements
    for a single metric.) So unless you want information about the algorithm itself, you'll want to choose the
    _measurement_ service (not _metrics_).

    2 & 3) The MUSTANG measurement service doesn't yet use the same wildcarding as the other web
    services, or even the noise-pdf, noise-psd services. We hope to fix that. The wildcards above should
    get you the measurements you are looking for.

    4) I find I get the most useful output if I use output={text, xml or csv}. I'm not sure why HTML wasn't designed
    to return similar output…

    5) orientation_check only runs when there's an M>=7 event that is shallower that 100 km. The station was
    running from 2011/01/14-2012/08/18 and I'm seeing measurements only for 2012/02/02 through 2012/04/11.
    I tried your original timespan for the IU network and it looks like there weren't any suitable events during
    that week.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Best regards,
    Mary Templeton

    On Oct 5, 2015, at 3:47 PM, Shahar Barak <shaharb<at>> wrote:


    I tried using mustang, but it doesn't work. I tried with various networks/station combinations, and also tried to change other parameters such as channel, etc.
    I always get a "400 No targets were found after filtering"

    For example"*&output=html&timewindow=2011-09-30T21:32:19,2011-10-05T21:32:19

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