Thread: Web Services outage - JAN 14, 2016

Started: 2016-01-14 18:30:55
Last activity: 2016-01-14 22:47:53
Topics: Web Services
Robert Weekly
2016-01-14 18:30:55
Attention Web Service Users,

We are currently experiencing a widespread system failure that affects most of our services at the DMC. In order to diagnose and recover, we are disabling our web service suite. We are working dilligently to restore normal operation of the data center. An update will be sent to the list when services have been restored. We apologize for the inconveniences this interruption has caused and we appreciate your patience as we work to recover.

Thank you,

  • Robert Weekly
    2016-01-14 22:47:53
    At this time, web services have been restored and are working as normal. Please feel free to resume your data requests.

    Thank you for your patience during this time.


    On Jan 14, 2016, at 10:31 AM, Robert Weekly <rtweekly<at>> wrote:

    Attention Web Service Users,

    We are currently experiencing a widespread system failure that affects most of our services at the DMC. In order to diagnose and recover, we are disabling our web service suite. We are working dilligently to restore normal operation of the data center. An update will be sent to the list when services have been restored. We apologize for the inconveniences this interruption has caused and we appreciate your patience as we work to recover.

    Thank you,

    Web Services (

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