Thread: Unsung Heroines: Ruth B. Simon

Started: 2006-11-04 05:15:46
Last activity: 2006-11-04 05:15:46
Topics: IRIS EPO
John or Jan Lahr
2006-11-04 05:15:46
An article on Ruth Simon is in the November/December 2006 issue of
the Seismological Research Letters, a publication of the
Seismological Society of
Heroines: Ruth B. Simon Ruth was working at Lamont Observatory
during my first year in graduate school.

It reminded me of the manual that she wrote: Earthquake
interpretations : a manual for reading seismograms, which I haven't
thought about since my graduate schoold days. My professional
seismology work only involved local and regional seismograms, mostly
from southern Alaska, so I think I'll look up her manual to help with
interpreting the seismograms that I typically record on my AS-1 system.

The article also included a useful link to a web site for finding
library materials. That's a useful site of which I was unaware. Use
this link to see if there is a copy of her manual in a library near


#################################/ John C. Lahr
################################/ Emeritus Seismologist
###############################/ U.S. Geological Survey
==========================/ Central Region Geologic Hazards Team
PO Box 548 /###################################
Corvallis, Oregon 97339 /===============================
Phone: (541) 758-2699 /####################################
Cell: (541) 740-4844 /#####################################
Fax: (413) 658-2699 /######################################
jjpub<at> /#######################################

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