This sounds like it would be a super cool cruise...
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Caitlin Mandel - UNOLS Office" <office<at>>
Subject: [Cruise_Opportunities] Cruise Opportunity for Early Career Scientists
Date: July 1, 2015 at 8:57:51 AM EDT
To: <cruise_opportunities<at>>
Reply-To: office<at>
Hi Everyone,
Please see the cruise opportunity below – the deadline is tomorrow!
Thanks so much and have a great holiday weekend,
Caitlin Mandel <o)))><
UNOLS Office Project Assistant
Caitlin's Phone: (401)-874-6826
UNOLS Office Phone: 401-874-6825
UNOLS Office Fax: 401-874-6167
email: office<at> <office<at>>>
From: Annette DeSilva - UNOLS Office [office<at> <office<at>>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 9:41 PM
To: early_career<at> <early_career<at>>
Cc: Peter Girguis
Subject: [early_career] Cruise Opportunity for Early Career Scientists
Forwarded on behalf of Dr. Peter Girguis:
As part of an Ocean Exploration Trust expedition, Drs. Peter Girguis and Lisa Levin will be co-leading an expedition to the Southern California Borderland (SCB) - a dynamic, highly heterogeneous continental margin with a wealth of fascinating features suitable for exploration, education and public engagement. We will spend 12 days focused on exploring how topographic, hydrographic and tectonic features create a host of different ecosystems along the continental margin. We will use ROV imagery, a CTD, and multibeam mapping to view and sometimes sample microbial and animal communities, geologic features and precipitates, fluids and gases exiting the sea floor. Nautilus will visit known and several possible cold seeps off San Diego and Santa Monica, associated with gas hydrate dissociation and methane seepage. Here we will explore the formation of microbial mats, ciliate mats, clam beds, and other geological features. Off San Diego we will treck across steep oxygen gradients and various bottom flow regimes on the continental slope looking for changes in animal assemblages and documenting their oxygen environments. We will visit a 3-year old Fin whale carcass that has not been seen in a year. We will visit a canyon and banks to examine corals and other animals occupying hardgrounds, to see how they are affected by the low oxygen water mass in the SCB. And we will explore a suspected hydrothermal vent off Palos Verdes, measuring temperature and looking for evidence of chemosynthesis-based life.
We have a berth for one person to participate. This person will be a primary datalogger for the operation, and will assist the lead scientists with note-taking, sampling, etc. Travel costs will be covered by the Ocean Exploration Trust. If you are interested, please respond to <pgirguis<at> <pgirguis<at>>> no later than THURSDAY JULY 2nd, 5 PM EST.
Cruise Dates = 27 July- 10 August 2015
Lead Scientists = Dr. Peter Girguis, Harvard University and Dr. Lisa Levin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Expedition Leader = Dr. Michael Brennan, Ocean Exploration Trust
Annette DeSilva - UNOLS Office
Annette's Phone: 401-874-6827
UNOLS Office Fax: 401-874-6167
email: office<at> <office<at>>
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