Thread: remove instrument response

Started: 2007-11-14 02:11:06
Last activity: 2007-11-14 17:09:24
Topics: SAC Help
2007-11-14 02:11:06

I use SAC to remove the instrument response,
SAC>transfer from polezoro subtype response.pz to none freqlimits 0.01 0.02 5.0 8.0
the following is the content of response.pz








But I don't know how to calculate the constant.

I got the calibration sheet from Gurapl. The normalization factor at 1Hz is 2304000.
The sensivity is 1500V/m/s.

I convert the unit from Hz to rad/s and re-calculate the normalization factor:


I don't know whether I should multiply the AD convert factor of the digitizer or not.
the digitizer is REFTEK 130, and the AD convert factor is 1.588e-06 v/conts.

If I multiply the AD convert factor, I got a new result.


I want to ask which CONSTANT I shoud use? 8.5726e+011 or 1.3613e+006?

Please help me!

  • George Helffrich
    2007-11-14 17:09:24
    Dear All -

    The CONSTANT value is calculated from your list of poles and zeros.
    It is a value that normalizes the transfer function product to be equal
    to 1 at your reference frequency. It serves to numerically stabilize
    transfer function calculations because the numbers tend to get large.

    SAC calculates transfer functions in angular frequency omega = 2*pi*f.
    Conventionally the reference frequency is 1 Hz, but this is a choice
    that depends on the frequency range over which the transfer function is
    used and the rest of your instrument response (the gain reference
    frequency, for example, if one is appropriate). Thus the CONSTANT
    value should be the number that, when multiplying your transfer
    function expression at 1 Hz (or the reference frequency), gives it the
    value 1. Here is an example.

    ZEROS 1
    1 0
    POLES 1
    2 0

    Transfer function at 1 Hz is (1-2*pi)/(2-2*pi) = 1.233471. Thus the
    CONSTANT is 1/1.233471 = 0.8107202.

    From your pole and zero values, I calculate your CONSTANT to be
    585717.5, but you should check yourself.

    On 13 Nov 2007, at 10:11, FANG Lihua wrote:


    I use SAC to remove the instrument response,
    SAC>transfer from polezoro subtype response.pz to none freqlimits
    0.01 0.02 5.0 8.0
    the following is the content of response.pz
    POLES 5





    ZEROS 2

    CONSTANT ????

    But I don't know how to calculate the constant.

    I got the calibration sheet from Gurapl. The normalization factor at
    1Hz is 2304000.
    The sensivity is 1500V/m/s.

    I convert the unit from Hz to rad/s and re-calculate the
    normalization factor:


    I don't know whether I should multiply the AD convert factor of the
    digitizer or not.
    the digitizer is REFTEK 130, and the AD convert factor is 1.588e-06

    If I multiply the AD convert factor, I got a new result.


    I want to ask which CONSTANT I shoud use? 8.5726e+011 or 1.3613e+006?

    Please help me!

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    George Helffrich

16:25:35 v.af9cd46b