Thread: SSA Session: Theoretical and practical advances in seismic interferometry

Started: 2017-01-09 07:55:08
Last activity: 2017-01-09 23:03:21
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session for the
upcoming SSA meeting in Denver. The abstract deadline is January 11th.

Theoretical and practical advances in ambient noise and coda studies

The past decade has featured numerous advances in passive imaging using
ambient noise and multiply scattered seismic coda from earthquakes or other
sources. The inherent simplicity of many applications has generated a swath
of mainstream tools and applications now being used over all
frequency-wavenumber scales. With the advent of large-N networks and
emerging opportunities for scattered and 4D seismological imaging, we seek
contributions on refining our use of large datasets and diverse uses and
applications related to further extracting accurate Greens functions and
physical parameters using seismic interferometry.
Session Chairs

Julien Chaput
*<jchaput82<at> <jchaput82<at>>>*Hsin-Hua Huang *<abuzah3<at>

  • Let's do the RIS stuff. I have some thinking to do about the other one.
    I'm running the correlations now, though at 40 sps to see if there are
    widespread harmonics (seems there are). They will now be rotated into
    backazimuth, but still un-normalized, so I can rotate them further for
    particle motion studies.


    On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Julien Chaput <jchaput82<at>> wrote:

    Dear Colleagues,

    Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session for the
    upcoming SSA meeting in Denver. The abstract deadline is January 11th.

    Theoretical and practical advances in ambient noise and coda studies

    The past decade has featured numerous advances in passive imaging using
    ambient noise and multiply scattered seismic coda from earthquakes or other
    sources. The inherent simplicity of many applications has generated a swath
    of mainstream tools and applications now being used over all
    frequency-wavenumber scales. With the advent of large-N networks and
    emerging opportunities for scattered and 4D seismological imaging, we seek
    contributions on refining our use of large datasets and diverse uses and
    applications related to further extracting accurate Greens functions and
    physical parameters using seismic interferometry.
    Session Chairs

    Julien Chaput
    *<jchaput82<at> <jchaput82<at>>>*Hsin-Hua Huang *<abuzah3<at>

    SSA Meetings (

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