Thread: Not getting the SAC> prompt after running sac

Started: 2017-01-18 01:32:35
Last activity: 2017-01-18 02:45:50
Topics: SAC Help
Huth, Dawson
2017-01-18 01:32:35

I believe I have correctly installed SAC on ubuntu and I have followed instructions from the README file and from this help forum for setting up the environment variables. However, when I try to run SAC I am not getting the SAC> prompt I expect. Instead I get the message "Total: x over 8 days", where x is some number that keeps increasing. How can I get SAC up and running correctly?

Thank you,


  • Brian Savage
    2017-01-17 20:46:45

    Looks like you are running a different sac (, not what you wanted.

    The top of the README states:
    This is Sac, which stands for System ACcounting or maybe Steve's AC... =)

    % which sac

    You may need to either remove the unwanted "sac" or place the sac directory earlier in your PATH environment variable.


    On Jan 17, 2017, at 12:38 PM, Huth, Dawson wrote:


    I believe I have correctly installed SAC on ubuntu and I have followed instructions from the README file and from this help forum for setting up the environment variables. However, when I try to run SAC I am not getting the SAC> prompt I expect. Instead I get the message "Total: x over 8 days", where x is some number that keeps increasing. How can I get SAC up and running correctly?

    Thank you,

    SAC Help (

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    • Huth, Dawson
      2017-01-18 02:45:50
      Thank you, I will continue playing with the path

      From: sac-help-bounce<at> <sac-help-bounce<at>> on behalf of Brian Savage <savage<at>>
      Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:47:38 AM
      To: SAC Help
      Subject: Re: [sac-help] Not getting the SAC> prompt after running sac


      Looks like you are running a different sac (, not what you wanted.

      The top of the README states:
      This is Sac, which stands for System ACcounting or maybe Steve's AC... =)

      % which sac

      You may need to either remove the unwanted "sac" or place the sac directory earlier in your PATH environment variable.


      On Jan 17, 2017, at 12:38 PM, Huth, Dawson wrote:


      I believe I have correctly installed SAC on ubuntu and I have followed instructions from the README file and from this help forum for setting up the environment variables. However, when I try to run SAC I am not getting the SAC> prompt I expect. Instead I get the message "Total: x over 8 days", where x is some number that keeps increasing. How can I get SAC up and running correctly?

      Thank you,

      SAC Help (

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