Thread: EGU session Extraterrestrial Seismology (8-13 April 2018, Vienna)

Started: 2017-11-25 00:53:39
Last activity: 2017-11-25 00:53:39
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

With only one year to go until the InSight landing and deployment of a
seismometer on Mars, we would like to draw your attention to the
planetary seismology session at EGU 2018.

In addition to work in preparation for InSight and other planetary
missions as well as evaluating available extraterrestrial data, we
especially invite seismological studies from remote locations and sparse
networks that could be useful for seismological installations in space.

Extraterrestrial seismology – Advances in instrumentation and methodology
PS5.3/SM 1.03

We’d also like to draw your attention to the deadline for Early Career
Scientists financial support applications on 1.12.2017. You find more
information under:

Please forward this email to everyone else you know to be interested.


the conveners
Stefanie Hempel, Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun, Martin Knapmeyer, Savas
Ceylan, Simon C. Stähler

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