Thread: How to convert waveform records from SAC files to seed files?

Started: 2018-03-11 23:26:50
Last activity: 2018-03-12 04:02:21
Topics: SAC Help
Hello,We have waveform records in SAC format and instrument files. We need seed format for a program.Could you possibly tell us how to convert SAC files to seed files? Thanks in advance.Regards,Shutian

  • Hello Shutian,

    I do not know of any software that will convert SAC and instrument response files to SEED format directly. That is a relatively complex task and usually the poles and zeros files used with SAC are not sufficient to create a full response in SEED format, although it can be done by creating a limited, sensor-only, response.

    If instead, your program can use miniSEED for time series and RESP or dateless SEED for input then more is possible. To convert SAC to miniSEED you can use the sac2mseed converter here:

    To convert the instrument responses to RESP or dateless SEED your best bet is probably ObsPy ( and will require some coding in Python.

    There also appears to be a SAC poles and zeros file converter to RESP by Brian Savage here: I have not used it and cannot vouch for it's functionality but it might be a place to start.


    On Mar 11, 2018, at 9:27 AM, Shutian <shutian33<at>> wrote:

    We have waveform records in SAC format and instrument files. We need seed format for a program.
    Could you possibly tell us how to convert SAC files to seed files? Thanks in advance.

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