2018-12-12 17:23:44
Dear Colleague:
Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Non-traditional Application of Seismo-acoustics for Non-traditional Monitoring at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting next April 2019 in Seattle, Washington.
Non-traditional Application of Seismo-acoustics for Non-traditional Monitoring
Seismo-acoustic measurements have been shown to be sensitive for detecting, locating and characterizing natural environmental phenomena, animal communications and military activities. There are however other phenomena and activities producing seismo-acoustic signals. For example, the operation of industrial facilities generates mechanical energy that potentially propagates into the air as acoustic and infrasonic waves and/or into the solid earth as seismic waves. The types and intensity of vibrational signals recorded at the sensors vary according to the specifics of the machinery and their relative location with respect to the sensors. Innovative analyses techniques can extract useful information from these signals and help us monitor the machinery or related activities. We welcome submissions on collection and application of seismo-acoustic data and techniques that shed light on non-traditional monitoring of facilities and activities.
Abstract deadline: 11 January 2019
Submission: https://www.seismosoc.org/annual-meeting/program/
Meeting information: https://www.seismosoc.org/annual-meeting/
With your contribution and help, we will make sure this is not your traditional session.
Your conveners
Monica Maceira, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (maceiram<at>ornl.gov)
Chengping Chai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (chaic<at>ornl.gov)
Omar Marcillo, Los Alamos National Laboratory (omarcillo<at>lanl.gov)
Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Non-traditional Application of Seismo-acoustics for Non-traditional Monitoring at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting next April 2019 in Seattle, Washington.
Non-traditional Application of Seismo-acoustics for Non-traditional Monitoring
Seismo-acoustic measurements have been shown to be sensitive for detecting, locating and characterizing natural environmental phenomena, animal communications and military activities. There are however other phenomena and activities producing seismo-acoustic signals. For example, the operation of industrial facilities generates mechanical energy that potentially propagates into the air as acoustic and infrasonic waves and/or into the solid earth as seismic waves. The types and intensity of vibrational signals recorded at the sensors vary according to the specifics of the machinery and their relative location with respect to the sensors. Innovative analyses techniques can extract useful information from these signals and help us monitor the machinery or related activities. We welcome submissions on collection and application of seismo-acoustic data and techniques that shed light on non-traditional monitoring of facilities and activities.
Abstract deadline: 11 January 2019
Submission: https://www.seismosoc.org/annual-meeting/program/
Meeting information: https://www.seismosoc.org/annual-meeting/
With your contribution and help, we will make sure this is not your traditional session.
Your conveners
Monica Maceira, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (maceiram<at>ornl.gov)
Chengping Chai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (chaic<at>ornl.gov)
Omar Marcillo, Los Alamos National Laboratory (omarcillo<at>lanl.gov)