Thread: Undergraduate Short-Course on the Tectonics and Seismicity of the Alaskan Subduction Zone

Started: 2019-03-14 04:31:31
Last activity: 2019-03-14 04:31:31
The Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE) Team is pleased to invite applications from undergraduate students to join a short course on the Tectonics and Seismicity of the Alaskan Subduction Zone. The short course will be based in Kodiak, Alaska June 14-23 (±2 days) and will include a three-day workshop followed by field work with seismic instrumentation.

During the workshop, participants will learn earthquake science and tectonics, will be introduced to seismic theory and data, and will explore the earthquake geology of the Kodiak region. Following the workshop, students will join in the recovery of a 400 station nodal array across Kodiak with members of the science team.

Applicants should anticipate that this short course will require a 24/7 commitment during the course, will involve work early in the morning and late at night, and require shared accommodation. This no-credit short-course is tuition free, and transportation, room and board will be provided for applicants selected to attend the short course.

Applications from current sophomores, juniors, and seniors pursuing a degree in geoscience, physics, computer science, applied mathematics, engineering or related majors at a US institution are encouraged.

Applicants should submit the following information here by April 1:
• No more than 2-page resume
• No more than 1-page Statement of Interest
• List of relevant classes
• Name and email address for one professional reference. Applicants should ask the reference writer to submit a letter of reference via email to aadams (at) by April 1.

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