Thread: data

Started: 2019-06-01 13:48:18
Last activity: 2019-06-04 09:52:54
Topics: Wilber Help
Marilia Tavares
2019-06-01 13:48:18
Dear all,
I working with your earthquakes records by Wilber 3
Unfortunately , it does not seem to give me the data I specified as

Magnitude , Depth , location, occurrence time.

As a researcher I really like the way you working it is much easer than the other catalog. However, it is not ALWAYS giving the request asked.
The error message is Error: The request timed out
I would appreciate if there is anyway to have those records in my personal computer or if I must go to the IU and asked in one of their computers.
Thank you in advance, for your help
Marilia Hagen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  • Adam Clark (Legacy)
    2019-06-04 09:52:54
    Hi Marilia,

    This error usually means that it took too long to download the event data. This could be due to a combination of
    * slow network speed
    * slowdown in our event service
    * too many events requested

    The easiest thing to control is the number of events requested.

    There are two basic ways to request event data:

    1) Generally, Wilber uses predefined queries that should all return a manageable number of events (about 10,000). These are selectable from the dropdown menu at the top of the tool panel, the default option is
    "Past 30 days, all magnitudes"
    Because all of these options are designed to return roughly similar amounts of data, they will probably all be about equally slow.

    2) The other request method is the "Custom Query" option, also in the dropdown menu. This lets you determine exactly the date, magnitude, location, etc. for your query, and it can return a much smaller (or much larger) event list.

    I would suggest using the Custom Query option, and setting a fairly narrow set of parameters for your query. This should return a smaller set of events, in a much smaller (and faster) data set.


    Adam Clark
    Web Developer / Admin
    IRIS Data Management Center

    On Jun 3, 2019, at 10:41 AM, Marilia Tavares <mariliadtavares<at>> wrote:

    Dear all,
    I working with your earthquakes records by Wilber 3
    Unfortunately , it does not seem to give me the data I specified as

    Magnitude , Depth , location, occurrence time.

    As a researcher I really like the way you working it is much easer than the other catalog. However, it is not ALWAYS giving the request asked.
    The error message is Error: The request timed out
    I would appreciate if there is anyway to have those records in my personal computer or if I must go to the IU and asked in one of their computers.
    Thank you in advance, for your help
    Marilia Hagen

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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