Thread: Volcanic Hazards Virtual Breakout -- TODAY @ 4pm ET

Started: 2019-09-23 08:37:24
Last activity: 2019-09-23 08:37:24
Justin Sweet
2019-09-23 08:37:24
Please join us for an hour-long virtual breakout session to learn about and discuss volcanic-related geohazards, related science objectives, and instrumentation/methods used to study these hazards.

When: Monday, September 23rd @ 4 pm ET
Host: Wes Thelen, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory
Invited speakers: Jamie Farrell, Matthew Haney, Greg Waite, Diana Roman

To join the breakout, please use the gotomeeting information below. No pre-registration is required.
Geohazards Breakout -- Volcanoes
Mon, Sep 23, 2019 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM EDT

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 488-940-613

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IRIS will be hosting a series of virtual breakout sessions over the next few weeks to highlight and discuss a variety of different geohazards that our community has previously studied and responded to. These breakout sessions are part of a larger IRIS initiative ( to procure a new set of instrumentation to enable a new rapid response capability based out of the PASSCAL Instrument Center.

IRIS will also be hosting an in-person mini-workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 8th in Portland, OR adjacent to the SAGE/GAGE workshop. If you would like to attend the geohazards mini-workshop, limited travel support is available. To learn more, and to register, please visit:

We look forward to your participation and input at the upcoming volcanic hazards virtual breakout.


Wes Thelen, USGS
Justin Sweet, IRIS

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Justin at justin.sweet<at>

Justin Sweet, PhD
Portable Project Associate
IRIS/PASSCAL Instrument Center

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