Thread: SSA 2020 Session - Advances in Real-Time GNSS Data Analysis and Network Operations for Hazards

Started: 2019-12-23 16:14:49
Last activity: 2019-12-23 16:14:49
Topics: SSA Meetings

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to direct your attention to the following 2020 SSA Annual Meeting session (Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 27-30), "Advances in Real-Time GNSS Data Analysis and Network Operations for Hazards Monitoring". The session provides an opportunity for network operators, data engineers and researchers to discuss advances and challenges in real-time network operations and data analysis.

Abstract Deadline: 14 January 2020, 5 p.m. Pacific.
Abstract submission:

Advances in Real-Time GNSS Data Analysis and Network Operations for Hazards Monitoring
Real-time GNSS data are being incorporated into earthquake and tsunami early warning systems, space weather monitoring and near real-time meteorological forecasting. The upgrading of decades-old GNSS networks to real-time systems combined with the ability of NTRIP casters to distribute data streams from multiple networks is creating hemispherical-scale GNSS networks. For real-time GNSS to become an integral part of monitoring systems the networks must have redundant dataflow paths, reliable power and latencies on the order of tenths of a second. This, and the interest in integrating existing GNSS, seismic and meteorological networks combined with the push of data processing to the network edge points has created a new set of challenges in network operations, data management and real-time data analysis. This session provides an opportunity for network operators and researchers to discuss these challenges. We encourage presentations that discuss the merging of geophysical networks, the use of cloud technology to manage data flow and data processing and the development of real-time analytics and machine-learning algorithms to monitor the state of health of the networks and detect transients in the incoming data.

Conveners: Kathleen Hodgkinson, UNAVCO (hodgkinson<at>; Dave Mencin, UNAVCO (dmencin<at>

We look forward to seeing you in April,
Kathleen Hodgkinson
Dave Mencin
6350 Nautilus Drive
Boulder, CO 80301-5394

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