I want to join multiple SAC files of variable duration to create a single
SAC file of 24-hour duration. I extracted these SAC files from Antelope
database using db2sac. Originally, I tried to extract 24-hour long SAC
files for each station, which worked for most of the stations in the
database. However, for some stations, instead of getting one SAC file of
24-hour long, I get multiple SAC files of variable sizes for each
component. I attached output (from Antelope) SAC files for one particular
station and one component for reference. Does anyone has any script to join
SAC files based on their time stamps. I would much appreciate any help.
Abhash Kumar
I want to join multiple SAC files of variable duration to create a single
SAC file of 24-hour duration. I extracted these SAC files from Antelope
database using db2sac. Originally, I tried to extract 24-hour long SAC
files for each station, which worked for most of the stations in the
database. However, for some stations, instead of getting one SAC file of
24-hour long, I get multiple SAC files of variable sizes for each
component. I attached output (from Antelope) SAC files for one particular
station and one component for reference. Does anyone has any script to join
SAC files based on their time stamps. I would much appreciate any help.
Abhash Kumar
Obspy sounds like the most expedient approach to do what you describe.
Writing a script to load, join, and output as a single 24 hr SAC file ought
to be a trivial matter.
Robert L. Walker
PhD Candidate Petroleum Engineering
Mork Family Department of Chemicals and Materials Sciences
University of Southern California
Mobile US: +1 (213) - 290 -7101
Mobile EU: +34 62 274 66 40
On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 12:58 PM Abhash Kumar <abhash.kumar0282<at>gmail.com>
I want to join multiple SAC files of variable duration to create a
single SAC file of 24-hour duration. I extracted these SAC files from
Antelope database using db2sac. Originally, I tried to extract 24-hour long
SAC files for each station, which worked for most of the stations in the
database. However, for some stations, instead of getting one SAC file of
24-hour long, I get multiple SAC files of variable sizes for each
component. I attached output (from Antelope) SAC files for one particular
station and one component for reference. Does anyone has any script to join
SAC files based on their time stamps. I would much appreciate any help.
Abhash Kumar
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Just a comment:
Many times, multiple SAC files are created due to time breaks in the data. If you are to be joining them, this is something to be aware of as the data in any file is assumed to be continuous. Gap filling strategies in this regard are not universal and can mess up your signal analysis if not taken into account.
Good luck,
On Feb 5, 2020, at 10:09 AM, Robert Walker <rlwalker<at>usc.edu> wrote:
Obspy sounds like the most expedient approach to do what you describe. Writing a script to load, join, and output as a single 24 hr SAC file ought to be a trivial matter.
Robert L. Walker
PhD Candidate Petroleum Engineering
Mork Family Department of Chemicals and Materials Sciences
University of Southern California
Mobile US: +1 (213) - 290 -7101
Mobile EU: +34 62 274 66 40
rlwalker<at>usc.edu <rlwalker<at>usc.edu>
On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 12:58 PM Abhash Kumar <abhash.kumar0282<at>gmail.com <abhash.kumar0282<at>gmail.com>> wrote:
I want to join multiple SAC files of variable duration to create a single SAC file of 24-hour duration. I extracted these SAC files from Antelope database using db2sac. Originally, I tried to extract 24-hour long SAC files for each station, which worked for most of the stations in the database. However, for some stations, instead of getting one SAC file of 24-hour long, I get multiple SAC files of variable sizes for each component. I attached output (from Antelope) SAC files for one particular station and one component for reference. Does anyone has any script to join SAC files based on their time stamps. I would much appreciate any help.
Abhash Kumar
WK06.zip https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__drive.google.com_file_d_1ScmqZzjmkBW0N1CaUBMh2N-2DKXLCQxnpW_view-3Fusp-3Ddrive-5Fweb&d=DwMFaQ&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=BWOpUsAp5dvI5cUiP4uZxQ&m=p9C4gpv2uLQNuPcjAd2hTUogMylPh2BvXVaXuz8b_nY&s=b-jyIAA_GkOnWo5yR6C9YSEIvFqG9-FrfoUSRRRR2XM&e=
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Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
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Dear All -
SAC’s MERGE command does this right out of the box. It will either join files in memory and/or the files given on the command line. Once you get a big trace, you can make it the length that you want by cutting it in memory (CUTIM) or writing it out as a big file and cutting it on re-read (CUT, followed READ). See the online help information for information about the relevant commands.
On 5 Feb 2020, at 17:56, Abhash Kumar <abhash.kumar0282<at>gmail.com> wrote:
George Helffrich
I want to join multiple SAC files of variable duration to create a single SAC file of 24-hour duration. I extracted these SAC files from Antelope database using db2sac. Originally, I tried to extract 24-hour long SAC files for each station, which worked for most of the stations in the database. However, for some stations, instead of getting one SAC file of 24-hour long, I get multiple SAC files of variable sizes for each component. I attached output (from Antelope) SAC files for one particular station and one component for reference. Does anyone has any script to join SAC files based on their time stamps. I would much appreciate any help.
Abhash Kumar
WK06.zip https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ScmqZzjmkBW0N1CaUBMh2N-KXLCQxnpW/view?usp=drive_web
SAC Help
Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
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