Thread: Re: Resolution of data access issues

Started: 2020-02-14 16:14:41
Last activity: 2020-02-14 16:14:41
Topics: Message Center
Robert Casey
2020-02-14 16:14:41

Hi Anthony-

I had forgotten about your excellent plotting tool. In any case, I tested these examples all the way up to real-time and this now works. Thank you for your patience as we figured out what was getting locked out in the new deployment. You should be able to get back to minimal delay monitoring.


On Feb 14, 2020, at 8:31 AM, Anthony Lomax <alomax<at>> wrote:

Hi all,

I still don't get data for recent time windows. For example, the
following request for a recent earthquake today: South Sandwich Islands
Region 2020.02.14-09:55 returns Error 404: Not Found :

While the following request for M6.9 Kuril Islands 2020.02.13-10:33
which was not working yesterday and earlier now works:

There seems to be some time delay (a day or so?) before data is
returned. For the past years, in my experience, data was available in
pretty much real-time for these kinds of requests - I use them regularly
to verify that significant earthquakes are significant in near-real-time
(i.e. within a few minutes or so after origin time).


Best regards,


On 14/02/2020 00:46, Rob Casey wrote:

Dear IRIS Webservice Users-

On Tuesday evening, Feb 11, we became aware that incomplete or no data was being returned in cases where recent data was requested. Our thanks go out to the users that reported the issue to us.

We wanted to let you know that we believe that the issue has now been resolved. As of Thursday Feb 13 at 11am PDT, all web service endpoints are capably returning the data requested.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused and thank you for your patience while we were diagnosing and repairing the problem.

Jerry A Carter, PhD
Director of IRIS Data Services

+1 (206) 547-0393 x122

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Anthony Lomax
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