Thread: Fetching Data from the IRIS DMC

Started: 2020-11-03 17:04:22
Last activity: 2020-11-06 16:30:06
Cian Jochem
2020-11-03 17:04:22
Dear IRIS Team,

I apologise in advance for my lack of knowledge.

I’m a student of Visual Communication at the Basel School of Design.
For a data visualization project on seismic waves and earthquakes I’m searching for an real time dataset similar to the data I’ve found on your jAmaseis Software.

I want to use the data in an JavaScript environment like Processing or p5.js to visualize the data. Therefore I need a way to fetch the data Fetch API or AJAX as an JSON or XML format.

Is there any possibility to do so? Or do you have any other solutions?

Many thanks in advance
Cian Jochem

  • Adam Clark (Legacy)
    2020-11-06 16:30:06
    Hello Cian Jochem,

    All of IRIS' data services ( are accessible via Ajax. Many services provide a variety of output formats.

    The actual timeseries data can be downloaded in GeoCSV (ASCII) format, which might be usable for a visualization. This is less precise and much less efficient than the native binary format, though.

    For native Javascript processing of the binary data, I believe Philip Crotwell ( has written some libraries to do this, but I don't have recent experience with those.

    You can also get seismograph images directly via web service:


    Adam Clark
    Web Developer / Admin
    IRIS Data Management Center

    On Nov 6, 2020, at 1:03 PM, Cian Jochem (via IRIS) <data-request-help-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear IRIS Team,

    I apologise in advance for my lack of knowledge.

    I’m a student of Visual Communication at the Basel School of Design.
    For a data visualization project on seismic waves and earthquakes I’m searching for an real time dataset similar to the data I’ve found on your jAmaseis Software.

    I want to use the data in an JavaScript environment like Processing or p5.js to visualize the data. Therefore I need a way to fetch the data Fetch API or AJAX as an JSON or XML format.

    Is there any possibility to do so? Or do you have any other solutions?

    Many thanks in advance
    Cian Jochem

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