Thread: Results from the 2020 IRIS Board of Directors Election

Started: 2020-12-03 10:13:46
Last activity: 2020-12-03 10:13:46
The results of 2020 IRIS Board of Directors election were announced at the annual IRIS membership meeting held on Monday, November 30th. The IRIS Consortium is very pleased to announce the election of the following individuals.

Vice Chair of Board of Directors, for a one-year term:
— Charles J. Ammon, The Pennsylvania State University

Directors, for three-year terms:
— Victor Tsai, Brown University
— Lara Wagner, Carnegie Institution for Science
— Philip Wannamaker, University of Utah

The continuing Board Members (and the year their term ends) are:
— Rick Aster (Chair), Colorado State University, 2022
— Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Western Washington University, 2022
— Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida, 2022
— Brandon Schmandt, University of New Mexico, 2022
— Susan Schwartz, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2021

Finally, we are grateful to the following individuals who volunteered their time and expertise to serve on the Board for the past three years:
— Samantha Hansen, The University of Alabama
— Vera Schulte-Pelkum, University of Colorado, Boulder
— Clifford Thurber, University of Wisconsin, Madison

We thank all of the candidates who ran for the Board of Directors this year - we had an excellent slate of talented individuals and we appreciate their willingness to serve the IRIS community.


Bob Woodward, President, IRIS
Rick Aster, Chair, IRIS Board of Directors

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