Thread: Need help for installing sac

Started: 2011-05-26 17:11:50
Last activity: 2011-05-26 18:14:57
Topics: SAC Help
urvashi keswani
2011-05-26 17:11:50

This is Urvashi. I have installed a version of Fedora on my laptop and need
help with installing sac on it. I have extracted the sac folder into
/usr/local/ and have changed the file ./bashrc for setting the environment
variables according to the instructions given in the readme folder. However
I am not able to understand how to start the installation (which executable
to run and using what commands) and also , should i run in form the
/usr/local/sac/bin folder or from somewhere else. I am a bit new to Linux
and maybe , that is why I am not able to understand.

Thank you,


  • Milton Plasencia
    2011-05-26 18:14:57

    OK, not forget "sourcing" your .bashrc file, so you activate
    the new variables, to do:
    source ~/.bashrc.

    After verify that the following variables point to where live
    sac software /usr/local/sac

    To do:

    echo $SACHOME
    echo $SACAUX

    If all is correct you can start sac typing:


    When running try:

    funcgen seismogram

    If appear errors and not plot the problem can be sac need the
    x11-fonts package installed in you system.




    Dipartimento Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche
    Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

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    Tel: +39-040-2140136
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    E-mail: mplasencia<at>

    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    Quoting "urvashi keswani" <keswani.urvashi<at>>:


    This is Urvashi. I have installed a version of Fedora on my laptop and need
    help with installing sac on it. I have extracted the sac folder into
    /usr/local/ and have changed the file ./bashrc for setting the environment
    variables according to the instructions given in the readme folder. However
    I am not able to understand how to start the installation (which executable
    to run and using what commands) and also , should i run in form the
    /usr/local/sac/bin folder or from somewhere else. I am a bit new to Linux
    and maybe , that is why I am not able to understand.

    Thank you,


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