Thread: Infrasound and the Seismo-acoustic Wavefield session at SSA 2021

Started: 2021-01-05 12:15:20
Last activity: 2021-01-05 12:15:20
Topics: SSA Meetings
This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting abstracts to SSA 2021
is about a week away - January 13th, 2021 at 5 p.m. PST (UTC -8). We would
like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session: Infrasound and the
Seismo-acoustic Wavefield.

Session Description:

Infrasound monitoring is used to detect and study a variety of natural and
anthropogenic sources, as well as to probe temporal and spatial variations
in the atmosphere. Many infrasound sources occurring above and within the
solid earth or hydrosphere also generate seismic waves. This session
focuses on coupled seismo-acoustic propagation through the
Earth-ocean-atmosphere system. Consideration of the seismo-acoustic
wavefield has the potential to both better constrain directionality and
location for a variety of geophysical sources such as volcanoes,
earthquakes, and chemical or nuclear explosions and elucidate a wider
variety of propagation phenomena than seismology or infrasound alone. To
take full advantage of a seismo-acoustic wavefield over multiple distance
scales, new sensor technologies and data fusion schemes are necessary.

We invite submissions detailing recent science results and research
advances in infrasound, seismo-acoustics, and similar
multi-phenomenological research. Presentations that explore observations
and/or interpretations of seismo-acoustic phenomena, existing and emerging
source and propagation models, advances in instrumentation, inversion
methods, and signal analysis techniques are welcome.

This year's annual Seismological Society of America meeting will be held
virtually from April 19th – 23rd, 2021. We hope this unique meeting
structure will facilitate discussion among international collaborators
within the infrasound community.

Sincerely, Conveners Jordan Bishop, Fransiska Dannemann Dugick, Gil
Averbuch, Jeffrey Johnson

For more information, see

Submit an abstract here:

Dr. Jeffrey B. Johnson (Office: 3157 ERB; Lab: 3112 ERB)
Associate Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geosciences
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1535

jeffrey.b.johnson at

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