Thread: Request for data of 27 Feb, 1997 earthquake with magnitude 7.1 wave form data

Started: 2021-08-28 09:04:54
Last activity: 2021-08-31 09:13:35
Topics: Wilber Help
Dear Representative,

I am Mahmood from Pakistan, working as a researcher in the field of
seismology. I am working on Pakistan 27 Feb, 1997 earthquake with
magnitude 7.1. I haved tried several times to access wave form of the event
and its aftershocks, but still failed to access the events data. The iris
event page always give me message of the request time out.

Therefore, your kind support in getting data of foreshock , main event and
its after shocks are requested.
The USGS event details are as ""

Regards/ Mahmood

  • Hello Mahmood,
    I believe this is the event you're looking for:
    (I'm not sure why it was giving you errors, but Wilber relies on a bunch of backend data services that sometimes experience outages or slowdowns.)
    Note that Wilber might not be ideal for getting foreshock data, since by default it returns data from a time window around the main event, which is limited in how long a timespan it can use.
    However, you can specify your own location/time if you need, so for example if you wanted data from 48 hours before around the same location you could use:
    I hope this helps!

    Adam Clark
    Web developer / admin
    IRIS Data Management Center

    -----Original Message-----

    From: Mahmood <wilber-help-bounce<at>>
    To: Wilber <wilber-help<at>>
    Date: Monday, 30 August 2021 9:49 AM PDT
    Subject: [IRIS][wilber-help] Request for data of 27 Feb, 1997 earthquake with magnitude 7.1 wave form data

    Dear Representative,
    I am Mahmood from Pakistan, working as a researcher in the field of seismology. I am  working on Pakistan 27 Feb, 1997 earthquake with magnitude 7.1. I haved tried several times to access wave form of the event and its aftershocks, but still failed to access the events data. The iris event page always give me message of  the request time out.
    Therefore, your kind support in getting data of foreshock , main event and its after shocks are requested.
    The USGS event details are as ""
    Regards/ Mahmood

16:16:08 v.af9cd46b