Thread: 2022 SSA Session: "Multi-scale Dynamics of Complex Earthquake Faulting and Seismic Wave Propagation"

Started: 2022-01-02 21:08:40
Last activity: 2022-01-02 21:08:40
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the session "Multi-scale Dynamics of Complex Earthquake Faulting and Seismic Wave Propagation" at the 2022 Seismological Society of America (SSA) meeting. This year the SSA meeting will be held in Bellevue, Washington, during the dates of April 19-23, 2022. The deadline to submit an abstract is 12 January 2022 at 5 p.m. Pacific.

We will be excited and honored to receive your abstract!

Kenny Ryan, Air Force Research Laboratory (0k.ryan0<at> <0k.ryan0<at>>)
Roby Douilly, University of California, Riverside (roby.douilly<at> <roby.douilly<at>>)
Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, University of Memphis (ckyrkpls<at> <ckyrkpls<at>>)
Eric L. Geist, U.S. Geological Survey (egeist<at> <egeist<at>>)
Ruth Harris, U.S. Geological Survey (harris<at> <harris<at>>)
David D. Oglesby, University of California, Riverside (david.oglesby<at> <david.oglesby<at>>)

Session Description: Multi-scale Dynamics of Complex Earthquake Faulting and Seismic Wave Propagation

The complexity of earthquake rupture and the parameters that control such behavior is an active
area of investigation that includes many challenging research topics. This session will highlight
recent advances in rupture dynamics on complex fault systems and their comparison with
different types of available observations. We are interested in a wide range of investigations
related to numerical, experimental and observational fault rupture studies that examine the
effects of fault geometry, fault roughness, frictional parameters, topography, creeping
mechanisms, stress asperities, off-fault material properties and plasticity, bi-material interfaces
and wedge structures along subduction zones. We also encourage contributions on research
that explores links between earthquake source physics, tsunami generation/propagation and
ground motion variability.

Roby Douilly
Assistant Professor of Seismology
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California, Riverside
Office: Geology Building - Room 414
Phone: (951) 827-2976

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