2022-01-04 13:58:16
Dear colleagues,
happy new year!
We'd like to draw your attention once again to our session SM3.1 "Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry" (abstract below) at EGU'22, which will be held April 3rd to 8th 2022 in Vienna, Austria and online.
The deadline for abstract submission is next week, January 12th at 13:00 CET.
You can submit your abstract to our session here https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/abstractsubmission/42870. Our session will be organised as a fully hybrid PICO format, allowing both online and in-person contributions. We are very much looking forward to learning more about your exciting work.
It is our pleasure to announce that Yixiao Sheng (ISTerre, Grenoble) has agreed to give a presentation on recent advances in monitoring of Earth's structure using traffic-generated seismic noise, an exciting prospect in the field of ambient seismic noise interferometry.
We hope to see many of you in our session, be it online or in-person in Vienna.
The conveners (Sven, Yeşim, Laura, Anne, and Qing-Yu)
Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry
Sven Schippkus, Yeşim Çubuk-Sabuncu, Laura Ermert, Anne Obermann, Qing-Yu Wang
Interferometric techniques turn seismic networks into continuous observation devices for (time-varying) Earth structure, volcanic and hydrologic processes, ocean - solid Earth interactions and many more phenomena. Increasingly, seismic interferometry is applied to signals beyond ocean microseismic noise, such as earthquake coda and anthropogenic seismic signals.
Great strides have been taken in obtaining high-resolution images of seismic velocity and other properties, in observing and quantifying the sources of various ambient noise wave types, and in interpreting seismic property variations. Current challenges include the interpretation of signals from less-than-ideally situated sources, e.g. in the context of traffic noise interferometry or ambient noise body waves from localized storms; the interpretation of ambient noise amplitudes for elastic effects and anelastic attenuation; and the spatial localization of seismic property changes.
This session offers a broad space for discussing recent advances in ambient noise seismology and seismic interferometry. We invite abstracts on theoretical and numerical developments as well as novel applications. Topics may include, but are not limited to, studies of ambient seismic sources; ocean wave quantification through ambient noise; urban seismic noise; interferometric imaging; monitoring subsurface properties and quantifying the response of seismic velocity to various stresses and strains; studies of the spatial sensitivity for imaging and monitoring under various source conditions; quantification of site effects, amplification and attenuation; improvements in processing and retrieval of high-quality interferometry observations, and interdisciplinary applications of seismic interferometry.
happy new year!
We'd like to draw your attention once again to our session SM3.1 "Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry" (abstract below) at EGU'22, which will be held April 3rd to 8th 2022 in Vienna, Austria and online.
The deadline for abstract submission is next week, January 12th at 13:00 CET.
You can submit your abstract to our session here https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/abstractsubmission/42870. Our session will be organised as a fully hybrid PICO format, allowing both online and in-person contributions. We are very much looking forward to learning more about your exciting work.
It is our pleasure to announce that Yixiao Sheng (ISTerre, Grenoble) has agreed to give a presentation on recent advances in monitoring of Earth's structure using traffic-generated seismic noise, an exciting prospect in the field of ambient seismic noise interferometry.
We hope to see many of you in our session, be it online or in-person in Vienna.
The conveners (Sven, Yeşim, Laura, Anne, and Qing-Yu)
Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry
Sven Schippkus, Yeşim Çubuk-Sabuncu, Laura Ermert, Anne Obermann, Qing-Yu Wang
Interferometric techniques turn seismic networks into continuous observation devices for (time-varying) Earth structure, volcanic and hydrologic processes, ocean - solid Earth interactions and many more phenomena. Increasingly, seismic interferometry is applied to signals beyond ocean microseismic noise, such as earthquake coda and anthropogenic seismic signals.
Great strides have been taken in obtaining high-resolution images of seismic velocity and other properties, in observing and quantifying the sources of various ambient noise wave types, and in interpreting seismic property variations. Current challenges include the interpretation of signals from less-than-ideally situated sources, e.g. in the context of traffic noise interferometry or ambient noise body waves from localized storms; the interpretation of ambient noise amplitudes for elastic effects and anelastic attenuation; and the spatial localization of seismic property changes.
This session offers a broad space for discussing recent advances in ambient noise seismology and seismic interferometry. We invite abstracts on theoretical and numerical developments as well as novel applications. Topics may include, but are not limited to, studies of ambient seismic sources; ocean wave quantification through ambient noise; urban seismic noise; interferometric imaging; monitoring subsurface properties and quantifying the response of seismic velocity to various stresses and strains; studies of the spatial sensitivity for imaging and monitoring under various source conditions; quantification of site effects, amplification and attenuation; improvements in processing and retrieval of high-quality interferometry observations, and interdisciplinary applications of seismic interferometry.