Thread: Reminder & Correction: EGU22 Session | SM3.2 - New Seismic Data Analysis Methods and Tools for Automatic Characterization of Seismicity

Started: 2022-01-10 07:36:52
Last activity: 2022-01-10 07:36:52
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

This is a brief reminder about our EGU22 session that will be conducted ‘in person’ as classical oral / poster session:

SM3.2 - New Seismic Data Analysis Methods and Tools for Automatic Characterization of Seismicity

We seek contributions that focus on new methods and tools and also optimizations of existing approaches that make use of High Performance Computing resources (CPU, GPU) and can be applied to large data sets to characterize seismicity (i.e. perform detection, location, magnitude and source-mechanism estimation) at different scales and in different environments.

Please, consider submitting your abstract to our session before the deadline on 12 January 2022 (13:00 CET).

With kind regards,
The session conveners (Nima, Natalia, Federica, Francesco, Simone)
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