Thread: PGA

Started: 2022-02-27 10:40:37
Last activity: 2022-02-28 08:41:26
Topics: SAC Help
Ali Solihat
2022-02-27 10:40:37
Hi brothers,
I have acceleration data from Guralp accelerometer, I converted the data to miniseed and now I can view the data via sac my question how to calculate the PGA of that data and have it as number.

Best Regards,

Ali Solihat
Senior System Engineer
Jordan Seismological Observatory
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Mobile Number:+ 962 799 741 646

  • Sheila Peacock
    2022-02-28 08:41:26
    Dear Ali,

    Have you obtained the calibration and response information for your accelerometer from Guralp?

    If it's a new Certimus then I think the calibration info is meant to be written out by the proprietary software, so has it written a dataless SEED header as well as the data in miniSEED?

    If it's an older Guralp then you can obtain the calibration info for the seismometer and the digitiser by sending an email to "caldoc<at> <caldoc<at>>" with the serial number of the seismometer in the subject line, and a separate email with the digitiser serial number in the subject line.

    Beware that poles-and-zeros in Guralp calibration documents are in Hz while SAC expects radians so you have to multiply them by 2pi before using them in the SAC transfer program. I don't know what units the calibrations in Certimus outputs use.

    This is only the beginning but you will not get true ground motion without the calibration information.

    Best wishes,
    Sheila Peacock.

    On 27 Feb 2022, at 10:41, Ali Solihat (via IRIS) <sac-help-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Hi brothers,
    I have acceleration data from Guralp accelerometer, I converted the data to miniseed and now I can view the data via sac my question how to calculate the PGA of that data and have it as number.

    Best Regards,
    Ali Solihat
    Senior System Engineer
    Jordan Seismological Observatory
    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
    asolihat<at> <asolihat<at>>
    abbadi_ali<at> <abbadi_ali<at>>
    Mobile Number:+ 962 799 741 646

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