Thread: Upcoming Deadlines for SAGE/GAGE Workshop (Short Courses, SIGs, Student Travel)

Started: 2022-03-07 11:50:38
Last activity: 2022-03-07 11:50:38
Dear Community Members,

A friendly reminder about several upcoming deadlines for the 2022 SAGE/GAGE Workshop:
Short Course requests due: Tuesday, March 8
Special Interest Group (SIG) requests due: Tuesday, March 15
Student travel support applications due: Tuesday, March 22

Additional information for each of these (including how to apply) can be found below.

Additional information about the 2022 SAGE/GAGE workshop can be found on our website:

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!
Justin Sweet & Beth Pratt-Sitaula

Short Courses - Requests due Tuesday, March 8th
The day prior to the main meeting, Monday, June 13, will be open for short courses on topics of interest to the community. We are currently soliciting suggestions for ½- or 1-day short courses or workshops you would like to see and/or that you would be interested to help offer.

Accepted short courses will be provided with a meeting room (capacities range from 20-100 people), free wifi, a projector, and a screen. Presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptops for any slides or other materials they wish to share. All other costs associated with hosting short courses will be the responsibility of the organizers. If your course aligns with a topic typically sponsored by UNAVCO or IRIS, please contact Donna Charlevoix (donna<at> for geodesy or John Taber (taber<at> for seismology to discuss additional funding support options.

Please visit the link above to submit your short course suggestions/requests by Tuesday, March 8, 2022. If you have questions please contact Justin Sweet (justin.sweet<at> or Beth Pratt-Sitaula (prattsitaula<at> We anticipate notifying people about proposal acceptances by late March.

SIGs/Breakouts - Requests due Tuesday, March 15th
SIGs are breakout groups, ~1.5 hr in length, held several times during the workshop itself. SIGs serve as an opportunity for discussions within the geophysics community and feedback to the facilities on a range of topics. SIGs have traditionally been forums for active discussions in small groups, and have also served as a venue for short presentations followed by Q&A. We encourage all SIGs (including those submitted by facility staff) to include a community member as a co-convener to ensure community representation.

Accepted SIGs will be provided with a meeting room (capacities range from 20-100 people), free wifi, a projector, and a screen. Presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptops for any slides or other materials they wish to share.

Please visit the link above to submit your SIG suggestions/requests by Tuesday, March 15, 2022. If you have questions please contact Justin Sweet (justin.sweet<at> or Beth Pratt-Sitaula (prattsitaula<at> We anticipate notifying SIG conveners of acceptances by late March.

Student Travel Scholarships - Applications due by Tuesday, March 22nd
The SAGE & GAGE facilities are pleased to offer travel scholarships to support students who wish to attend the upcoming SAGE/GAGE workshop in Pittsburgh, PA on June 14-16th.

Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs from U.S. domestic colleges and universities are all eligible to apply for travel support scholarships. Applications will be accepted from March 1st-22nd, and we anticipate awarding scholarships by early April.

If selected, you will receive three (3) nights single-occupancy lodging at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square for the nights of June 13-15, and up to $500 for eligible travel-related expenses (e.g. airfare, taxi, meals). You will still be required to pay the workshop registration fee. If you are awarded a scholarship, IRIS will book your hotel room on your behalf.

Short Course proposals due: March 8
Special Interest Group (SIG) proposals due: March 15
Student travel support application period: March 1-22
Registration opens: Early April
Registration, abstract submission, and hotel deadline: May 18
SAGE/GAGE Workshop: June 14-16 (short courses June 13)

SAGE and GAGE are seismic and geodetic facilities operated by IRIS and UNAVCO via funding from the National Science Foundation.

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