Thread: Upcoming Deadlines for SAGE/GAGE Workshop (SIGs & Student Travel)

Started: 2022-03-14 08:56:15
Last activity: 2022-03-14 08:56:15
Dear Community Members,

A friendly reminder about several upcoming deadlines for the 2022 SAGE/GAGE Workshop:
Special Interest Group (SIG) requests due: TOMORROW (Tuesday, March 15)
Student travel support applications due: Tuesday, March 22

Additional information for each of these (including how to apply) can be found below.

Additional information about the 2022 SAGE/GAGE workshop can be found on our website:

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!
Justin Sweet & Beth Pratt-Sitaula

SIGs/Breakouts - Requests due Tuesday, March 15th
SIGs are breakout groups, ~1.5 hr in length, held several times during the workshop itself. SIGs serve as an opportunity for discussions within the geophysics community and feedback to the facilities on a range of topics. SIGs have traditionally been forums for active discussions in small groups, and have also served as a venue for short presentations followed by Q&A. We encourage all SIGs (including those submitted by facility staff) to include a community member as a co-convener to ensure community representation.

Accepted SIGs will be provided with a meeting room (capacities range from 20-100 people), free wifi, a projector, and a screen. Presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptops for any slides or other materials they wish to share.

Please visit the link above to submit your SIG suggestions/requests by Tuesday, March 15, 2022. If you have questions please contact Justin Sweet (justin.sweet<at> or Beth Pratt-Sitaula (prattsitaula<at> We anticipate notifying SIG conveners of acceptances by late March.

Student Travel Scholarships - Applications due by Tuesday, March 22nd
The SAGE & GAGE facilities are pleased to offer travel scholarships to support students who wish to attend the upcoming SAGE/GAGE workshop in Pittsburgh, PA on June 14-16th.

Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs from U.S. domestic colleges and universities are all eligible to apply for travel support scholarships. Applications will be accepted from March 1st-22nd, and we anticipate awarding scholarships by early April.

If selected, you will receive three (3) nights single-occupancy lodging at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square for the nights of June 13-15, and up to $500 for eligible travel-related expenses (e.g. airfare, taxi, meals). You will still be required to pay the workshop registration fee. If you are awarded a scholarship, IRIS will book your hotel room on your behalf.

Please spread the word to students who may be interested!

Special Interest Group (SIG) proposals due: March 15
Student travel support application period: March 1-22
Registration opens: Early April
Registration, abstract submission, and hotel deadline: May 18
SAGE/GAGE Workshop: June 14-16 (short courses June 13)

SAGE and GAGE are seismic and geodetic facilities operated by IRIS and UNAVCO via funding from the National Science Foundation.

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