Thread: Update on GSN Program Management at IRIS

Started: 2022-05-03 11:38:18
Last activity: 2022-05-03 11:38:18
Andrew Frassetto
2022-05-03 11:38:18
Dear IRIS Community,

We are writing to let you know that the Global Seismographic Network
(GSN) Program Manager, Katrin Hafner, has departed IRIS to start her new
role as the Science and Technical Projects Manager at Leidos (NSF
Antarctic Support Contractor). We wish her the best of luck and thank
her for the expertise she provided during her 14 years at IRIS.

Before Katrin’s departure, IRIS management consulted internally and with
its Board of Directors on how to establish the best mechanisms for
maintaining continuity in GSN management activities, particularly with
the forthcoming merger between IRIS and UNAVCO into EarthScope
Consortium Inc. The result of this careful planning is that the GSN
Program Manager role will be temporarily filled by a small team of
experienced IRIS Instrumentation Services staff members. This team will
be led by Robert Busby (official Interim GSN Program Manager) and Andy
Frassetto and supported by Kasey Aderhold and Molly Staats. This GSN
interim management team may be reached at gsn<at> The staffing
approach to managing the GSN will be reassessed following the creation
of the EarthScope Consortium Inc, targeted for December 2022.

For more information on GSN and IRIS’ role in management and governance
of this network, please visit:

For more information on the merger of IRIS and UNAVCO, please visit:

Thank you,
GSN Interim Management Team (Bob, Andy, Kasey, Molly)

Andy Frassetto, PhD, Seismologist
Program Manager
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

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