Thread: NASA MEaSUREs Project: GNSS & Seismogeodetic Data Products, please post

Started: 2022-07-13 13:14:46
Last activity: 2022-07-13 13:14:46
NASA MEaSUREs Project: GNSS & Seismogeodetic Data Products

Dear colleagues,

We would like to update you on SIO's and JPL's NASA MEaSUREs ES3 project,
now in its third five-year cycle. We publish 4 levels of data products
building upon our daily displacement time series from a combination of JPL
and SIO GNSS solutions using common metadata from the SOPAC database.

The daily time series and metadata can be viewed, coupled with a map
interface, on MGViz, our new single-screen user application:

Our products are archived at SOPAC:

and CDDIS: (You will be prompted
to register for a NASA EARTHDATA account.)

Please check out our Web pages at (

for more information. We have brief videos for MGViz and each of our

The products include:

(1) Combined daily displacement time series for about 3500 regional and
global IGS stations, installed and maintained with geodetic quality and
well-documented metadata. We have two main products (with different flavors
trended, detrended, PCA-filtered, residuals).

. The first is the result of extensive quality control and includes
unmodeled time series where non-physical displacements and poor-quality data
have been identified and corrected.

. The second is a parametrically-fit time series, including slopes,
offsets, postseismic motions, seasonal terms, with uncertainties for all
parameters based on white and colored noise components. Solutions for the
longest-lived stations begin in 1992.

(2) A list of "problematic" stations that should be used with caution.

(3) Weekly station velocities (for stations with more than 2.5 years of
data) and coseismic displacements.

(4) Weekly 3-D displacement grids interpolated from the median-filtered
daily time series.

(5) Weekly horizontal strain rate grids.

(6) Modeled ETS transient events for Cascadia since 1994.

(7) Water storage data for the Western U.S. since 2006.

(8) 5-minute troposphere delay estimates from 1992 and precipitable water
from 1995.

(9) 100 Hz seismogeodetic and 1Hz GPS displacement and velocity waveforms
for historical earthquakes.

A detailed document providing a description of our products with underlying
algorithms and theory can be found at

Please provide us with feedback, problem reports, or feature requests.

Yehuda Bock, PI (ybock @


Angelyn Moore, JPL lead (Angelyn.W.Moore @


Distinguished Researcher and Senior Lecturer

Director, Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC)

Director, California Spatial Reference Center (CSRC)


University of California San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, California 92093-0225

Office: 858-534-5292

Cell: 858-245-9518

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