Thread: Fwd: 2023 DAS RCN Workshop - June 13-14, 2023 in Madison, Wisconsin and Virtual - Registration and Travel Support Application Now Open

Started: 2023-04-07 15:46:04
Last activity: 2023-04-07 15:46:04
The *2023 DAS RCN Workshop* will be held June 13
(all day) and June 14th (morning) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. *The
deadline for the travel support application has been extended to April
12th. *Please use the link below to register and apply for travel support
which includes lodging and up to $1500 in reimbursable expenses. Decisions
on funding will be sent to participants by April 17th.

*Register and Apply Here!*

We encourage in-person participation for this workshop; a Zoom broadcast of
the main program will be available for virtual attendees but we will not be
supporting a fully hybrid meeting. A program for 1.5 days (June 13th
8am-5pm and June 14th 8am-12pm) is under development and will feature
presentations on the latest science and technical advancements in
distributed acoustic sensing. If you would like to be considered for an
oral presentation or would like to bring a poster, please indicate this on
your registration. The following speakers have been confirmed:

- Danica Roth (Colorado School of Mines) – Insights from the First
In-River DAS Deployment
- Xiaohang Ji (Pennsylvania State University) – Distributed Acoustic and
Temperature Sensing in Permafrost Tundra in Utqiaġvik, Alaska for
Long-term, In-situ Permafrost Monitoring Using Ambient Noise
- Ethan Williams (University of Washington) – Frontiers in Observational
Physical Oceanography Enabled by Fiber Optic Sensing
- Brad Lipovsky (University of Washington) – Novel Applications of DAS
for Cryospheric Research
- Matthew Becker (California State University) – Geomechanical Strain
Measured by DAS
- Scott Tyler (University of Nevada, Reno) – Future of DAS Community

Thank you for your interest, and please contact das-workshop @ if you have any questions.

---------- Forwarded message ---------

The *2023 DAS RCN Workshop* will be held June 13
(all day) and June 14th (morning) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This workshop will provide an opportunity to bring together the Distributed
Acoustic Sensing (DAS) community that has matured and expanded over these
past three years of the research coordination network.

At this workshop, there will be opportunities to present and discuss DAS
science and technology. We also welcome participants to contribute short,
1-2 page white papers outlining their own vision of where DAS-enabled
science should head and what is needed to get there. Following the
conclusion of the workshop, a report will be developed that provides a
vision for the future of DAS-enabled science – based on presentations,
discussions, and contributed white papers. A draft of the report will be
circulated to the community for comment before being finalized and
published to the workshop website. The final report will be delivered to
NSF and also circulated to AGU members and federal agencies.

This workshop will be held in-person with a virtual component, limited to a
broadcast of main presentations and sessions only. All participants,
in-person and virtual, must register. There is no registration fee and an
optional application for travel support is included.

*Register and Apply Here!*

*The travel support application deadline is April 10th **April 12th**. The
deadline for in-person registration is May 22nd.*

Have questions? Please contact das-workshop @ for more

The research coordination network and this workshop is supported by funding
from the National Science Foundation under award EAR-1948737. More
information about the DAS RCN is available here

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