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Active Message Threads for January 2020

Rikki Anderson
2020-01-21 13:25:20
*Deadline extended* to submit to the Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence session! This session will take place at the 2020 Annual Meeting <> in Albuquerque, New Mexico. *Early Results from the 2020 M6.4 Indios, Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence*Session Chairs: Daniel McNamara, Elizabeth Vanacore, Alberto Lopez and Emily Wolin On January 7, 2020 a magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred 8 km south of Indios, Puerto Rico. This earthquake is part of an ongoing seque… [more]
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Rikki Anderson
2020-01-09 11:19:07
SSA has added a new technical session to their 2020 Annual Meeting <> in Albuquerque, New Mexico. *Early Results from the 2020 M6.4 Indios, Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence*Session Chairs: Daniel McNamara, Elizabeth Vanacore, Alberto Lopez and Emily Wolin On January 7, 2020 a magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred 8 km south of Indios, Puerto Rico. This earthquake is part of an ongoing sequence that started on Dec 28, 2019. The sequence includes 11 foreshoc… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please join us in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 27–30 April, 2020 for the SSA Annual Meeting and consider participating in the session entitled "InSight Seismology on Mars: Results From the First (Earth) Year of Data and Prospects for the Future " (description below). Abstracts are now being accepted until 14 January, 2020. Please see<… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please join us in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 27–30 April, 2020 for the SSA Annual Meeting and consider participating in the session entitled "Advances in Upper Crustal Geophysical Characterization" (description below). Abstracts are now being accepted until 14 January, 2020. Please see for additional meeting details. Session description: The upper crust plays a critical societal role, from access to clean water to the production of … [more]
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Hobbs, Tiegan (NRCAN/RNCAN)
2020-01-07 22:07:12
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting to SSA technical session 'Understanding Non-traditional Seismic Tsunami Hazards'. *Abstract* *Understanding Non-Traditional Seismic Tsunami Hazards* Despite its intraplate and strike-slip source mechanism, the 2018 Palu earthquake had a large role in generating a deadly regional-scaled tsunami with run-up field measurements in excess of 4 m. In the Puget Sound and the Georgia Strait near Seattle, Washington, USA and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canad… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Do you create earthquake catalogs? Are you developing algorithms that can improve the production of these catalogs? Do you have a vision for the future of seismic monitoring? If so, please consider submitting to the SSA 2020 session "Leveraging Advanced Detection, Association and Source Characterization in Network Seismology". Leveraging Advanced Detection, Association and Source Characterization in Network Seismology In a classic seismic monitoring framework, automatic picke… [more]
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Dear Colleagues. Kindly note. Thank you, Rick, Brad, Will, and Jamey The SSA 2020 Annual Meeting will be held in Albuquerque, 27-30 April. The abstract submission period is now open and closes Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 5 p.m. Pacific. Registration<… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the SSA 2020 session “Innovative Seismo-Acoustic Applications to Forensics and Novel Monitoring Problems“. The abstract deadline is 14 January 2020 at 5 PM Pacific. You can submit the abstract with this link ( Session description: Seismic and acoustic sensors are capable of recording ground motion and acoustic waves originated from many phenomena and activities. Besides tradi… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the following session of the 2020 Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting (27–30 April, Albuquerque, New Mexico The abstract deadline is 14 January 2020 5 p.m PST. Thank you very much. Session Title: Waveform Cross-Correlation-Based Methods in Observational Seismology Description: Recent developments in observational seismology rely heavily on the mining of incr… [more]
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Yang, Xiaotao
2020-01-06 18:40:48
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session in SSA 2020 Annual Meeting (Albuquerque, NM, Apr 27-30). Please consider submitting an abstract (Jan 14, 2020; 5 PM, Pacific time). Click here to submit the abstract: We look forward to your contributions! Advances in Seismic interferometry: Theory, Computation, and Applications: Seismic interferometry extracts information from the ambient … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit your work detailing new seismic observations or how existing seismic equipment and networks are limiting our ability to resolve features of interest to our technical session: Recent Advances in Very Broadband Seismology Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting Albuquerque, NM USA April 27th - 30th. The abstract deadline is 14 January. More info can be found at: We also… [more]
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Dear Colleagues We are looking forward to an exciting SSA 2020 meeting in Albuquerque on April 27-30th. Please consider submitting your science to the special session “Mechanisms of Induced Seismicity: Pressure Diffusion, Elastic Stressing and Aseismic Slip”. The abstract deadline is January 14 at 5 PM Pacific (link here<>). Session Description: The rise of man-made earthquakes has generated interest from a broad range of scientists an… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The SSA abstract deadline is just over a week away (January 14th, 2020 at 5pm PDT). We’re looking forward to another stimulating Earthquake Early Warning session this year! Please consider submitting an abstract to the EEW session and joining us. Earthquake Early Warning: Current Status and Latest Innovations The field of earthquake early warning (EEW) is expanding, incorporating research from a wide range of other domains including computer science, civil engineering and so… [more]
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Chad Trabant
2020-01-06 09:43:32 - 2020-01-06 10:18:59
Dear Colleagues, Have you ever collected, stored or processed large volumes of seismic data that required non-traditional strategies (HPC, cloud, distributed frameworks, etc.)? If so, please consider submitting an abstract <> to our session at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting April 202 in Albuquerque, New Mexico to share your experiences. The abstract deadline is this Friday, January 11th. Applications and Technologies in Large-Scale Seism… [more]
Dear colleagues: Happy 2020! Please consider submitting an abstract to this special SSA 2020 session: Back to the Future: Innovative New Research with Legacy Seismic Data There has been much discussion in recent years about Big Data and within the seismological community, how to cope with its ever-expanding volume of digital data. But there exists a source of yet Bigger Data: historical seismic records. With more than a century of seismic waveform data, there is opportunity to resolve i… [more]
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Dear colleagues: Happy 2020! Please consider submitting an abstract to this special SSA 2020 session: Back to the Future: Innovative New Research with Legacy Seismic Data There has been much discussion in recent years about Big Data and within the seismological community, how to cope with its ever-expanding volume of digital data. But there exists a source of yet Bigger Data: historical seismic records. With more than a century of seismic waveform data, there is opportunity to resolve i… [more]
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The abstract deadline for the 2020 SSA meeting is quickly approaching--*January 14*--and we wanted to draw your attention to the following session on Regional Earthquake Centers: Highlights and Challenges. It is a great opportunity to share the work that you have been doing in your networks, and will hopefully be an opportunity to meet and engage with other network operators. Please consider submitting an abstract ( Apologies if you receive this anno… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the SSA 2020 session "Exploring Rupture Dynamics and Seismic Wave Propagation Along Complex Fault Systems”. The abstract deadline is 14 January 2020 5 p.m PST. Description: Investigations related to how complexities in fault parameters and geometry could potentially impact the behavior of earthquake rupture and affect seismic hazard are areas of active and challenging research. This session will highlight recent advances in rupture d… [more]
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