Data Services Newsletter

Volume 13 : No 2 : Summer 2011

rdseed 5.1

Announcing rdseed version 5.1, available from IRIS DMC. You can get to the installer and online manual through the following links:


rdseed is for reading FDSN SEED formatted volumes, enabling conversion of SEED to SAC (binary & ASCII), AH, SEGY, CSS, miniSEED, SEED, and columnar ASCII forms of output. rdseed is available for Windows (CYGWIN), Mac OS X, Sun Solaris, Linux and other UNIX platforms. rdseed comes pre-built with 64-bit binaries that are ready to run. The source code can still be built as a 32-bit application if necessary.


  • Support for Windows PC utilizing CYGWIN technology. rdseed now runs on Windows within a cgywin shell (Many thanks to Paul Friberg from ISTI for enabling this feature).
  • New output file formats. Support for 2 SimpleASCII’ text file formats, time-sample pairing and sample listing.
  • Changed internal data representation from floats to doubles to allow for a greater sample range.
  • rdseed miniseed output as doubles has been added along with the usual steim compressed integers.
  • More sac poles and zeros annotations:
    • A0 have been added to the sac poles and zeros file.
    • Created date
    • Input Units
    • Instrument Gain
    • Instrument type
    • Instrument type
    • Output Units
    • Sample Rate
    • Sensitivity
    • Site description
  • In the SAC file, SCALE usage was changed, now it is not used as the sensitivity.
  • SAC EVDP was changed back to KILOMETERS.
  • Summary file processing was upgraded to better support the M quality data.
  • Error logging is in one file. Only logs when an error happened. Each error is logged with a time stamp.

by Chris Laughbon (IRIS Data Management Center)

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