Manuals: Jrdseed


Jrdseed – A Java port of our classic rdseed application developed by ISTI.


A Java version of rdseed currently under development. This evaluation supports core rdseed functionality, including the reading and writing of SEED volumes, as well as SAC (binary) and CSS output. SAC ASCII format is forthcoming. SEGY output is not being considered in the short term.

Treat the operation of Jrdseed much like you would the legacy rdseed code. As for the command interface, some features are not being used in the current release:

  • In place of ALT_RESPONSE_FILE, use the -g flag on the command line to indicate a dataless SEED file to use for response information.
  • The volume number (-v) option: SEED files with multiple volume numbers are no longer used.
  • The start/stop times (-t) output will not have the logical record sequence number printed.
  • The list contents of each record in the volume (-l) option is not supported.
  • SAC ASCII output is not in SAC format, but is a currently a rudimentary delimited ASCII output.
  • SAC poles and zeroes output is not supported.
  • SEGY output is not supported.


You can download Jrdseed here

For those not familiar with the rdseed interface, please refer to the rdseed online manual

The rdseed manual will tell you how to use Jrdseed, aside from the feature differences mentioned above. The other critical difference is how you start Jrdseed. Since it uses Java, you have to use the Java launcher on the .jar file itself (Java 1.5 or later is required):

java -jar JrdseedVer0.10.1.jar

How do I run Jrdseed?

Jrdseed must be run from the command line.

In Windows

Go to Start-->Run...
Type 'cmd' in the prompt. You should get a terminal window.

Other Operating Systems

For other operating systems, use a Terminal window.

cd 'your_Jrdseed_directory' (substitute with your directory for Jrdseed)


java -Xmx512m -jar JrdseedVer0.10.1.jar

for a 512 MB memory allocation, or:

java -Xmx1024m -jar JrdseedVer0.10.1.jar

for a 1 GB memory allocation.

A sample session with Jrdseed looks like:

myserver% java -jar JrdseedVer0.10.1.jar
<< Java SEED Reader, Release 0.10.1 237 >>
Input File (/dev/nrst0) or 'Quit' to Exit: waveforms_99.seed
Output File (stdout) :
Volume # [(1)-N] :
Options [acCsSpRtde] : d
Station List (ALL) :
Channel List (ALL) : BH?,LH?
Network List (ALL) :
Loc Ids (ALL ["--" for spaces]) :
Output Format [(1=SAC), 2=AH, 3=CSS, 4=mini seed, 5=seed, 6=sac ascii, 7=SEGY] : 4
Select Data Type [(E=Everything), D=Data of Undetermined State, R=Raw waveform Data, Q=QC'd data] : E
Start Time(s) YYYY,DDD,HH:MM:SS.FFFF : 1999,027,06:24:59.0000
Extract Responses [Y/(N)] : N
Input File (/dev/nrst0) or 'Quit' to Exit: q


Jrdseed -f inputfile -{a | d [list] | l | s | t}
where inputfile = name of input file or device;
-a   retrieve abbreviation dictionaries
-c   retrieve volume table of contents
-C   retrieve the comments where arg is either STN or CHN
-d   read data from tape
-e   extract event/station data
-f   input filename
-g   alternate response file(s)
-i   ignore location codes
-k   strip records from output which have a zero sample count. (miniseed and seed only)
-l   list contents of each block in volume
-o   specify output format (1=SAC, 2=AH, 3=CSS, 4=MINISEED, 5=SEED [default=1])
-q   specify the output directory
-Q   specify data type (E=Everything, D=Data of undetermined state, R=Raw waveform data, Q=QC'd data
-R   print response data
-s   retrieve all station header information
-S   retrieve station summary information
-t   show start/stop times, start blocks of events
-u   usage (this list)


Kevin Frechette and Sid Hellman
Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. (ISTI),
(under contract by IRIS)


Jrdseed consists of two components, each carrying a separate license.

IRIS is presenting the Jrdseed interface code as well as JavaSeed as open source under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL).
The LGPL license can be found in the ‘license’ subdirectory of this distribution. The following copyright applies to all IRIS source code:

Copyright © 2010 Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

For more information, please contact the principle author shown here. The other component consists of ISTI-proprietary utilities that cannot have its source code exposed by IRIS, but only through direct contact with the developers at ISTI. They are not obligated by IRIS's LGPL license.

Under IRIS LGPL Licensing:


ISTI Proprietary code can be found in:



Jrdseedis currently a public evaluation release, having undergone internal testing and evaluation. There are no guarantees that Jrdseed is a suitable replacement for rdseed or should be put into production use. Please evaluate the tool to determine its suitability for your purposes. Development and support will continue for this tool as time and resources allow.

For questions and comments regarding Jrdseed, please write to




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