Dear colleagues,
The AGU Study of Earth's Deep Interior Focus Group is pleased to continue our mentorship program for students and postdocs who are interested in learning how to propose/convene/chair a session at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. In this program, students/postdocs will be assigned to an experienced Session Proposing team to learn the ropes at all stages, from initial submission of a session, to selecting invited speakers, to arranging oral and poster time slots, to chairing the sessions during Fall Meeting.
Interested individuals can send an email to the SEDI Program Committee Representatives (fmpc_DI<at><fmpc_DI<at>>) with their name, institution, field of research, career stage (e.g., second-year graduate student, first-year postdoc), and a 1-page CV by Monday, March 20.
Jessica Irving
Assistant Professor
Department of Geosciences
Princeton University
Princeton NJ 08544