Dear colleagues,
We are seeking nominations for 1-2 new committee members for the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on Seismology
and Geodynamics. COSG serves as the focal point for community discussion
and community-agency interaction on issues related to the structure,
dynamics, and evolution of the Earth. The mission of the committee is to
organize and oversee studies, workshops, and forums that will:
· foster and encourage understanding of the structure, dynamics and
evolution of the Earth;
· review and define basic and applied research activities in
seismology, geodesy and geodynamics that contribute to federal agency
· address the transfer of seismological and geodynamics knowledge
to areas of public welfare and national need including topics such as
earthquake science; geological hazards; energy, mineral, and water
resources; national security; global climate change; land-use planning; and
public education;
· foster long-term national efforts to collect, store and openly
disseminate seismological, geodetic, and geodynamical data of all types; and
· foster long-term national efforts to monitor geodynamical events
as well as nuclear testing treaties using geophysical technologies.
The committee also serves as the U.S. member of the Inter-Union Commission
on the Lithosphere.
We are specifically looking for nominees with expertise in geodesy,
geodynamics, tsunami hazards, and/or sea level rise. Please submit your
nominations by April 14, 2017 to Courtney Gibbs (cgibbs<at><mailto:
cgibbs<at>>) or contact Deborah Glickson (dglickson<at><mailto:dgli
ckson<at>>) for more information.
The current COSG membership is:
Richard Allen, University of California, Berkeley, Chair
Thorsten W. Becker, University of Texas at Austin
Cynthia Ebinger, Tulane University
Steven Jacobsen, Northwestern University
Lisa Grant Ludwig, University of California, Irvine
Stephen R. McNutt, University of South Florida
Matthew Pritchard, Cornell University
Maya Tolstoy, Columbia University
Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University
William R. Walter, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Consultant, Neoterranean Structural Geology
Richard M. Allen
Director, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
Professor and Chair, Dept. Earth & Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley
We are seeking nominations for 1-2 new committee members for the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on Seismology
and Geodynamics. COSG serves as the focal point for community discussion
and community-agency interaction on issues related to the structure,
dynamics, and evolution of the Earth. The mission of the committee is to
organize and oversee studies, workshops, and forums that will:
· foster and encourage understanding of the structure, dynamics and
evolution of the Earth;
· review and define basic and applied research activities in
seismology, geodesy and geodynamics that contribute to federal agency
· address the transfer of seismological and geodynamics knowledge
to areas of public welfare and national need including topics such as
earthquake science; geological hazards; energy, mineral, and water
resources; national security; global climate change; land-use planning; and
public education;
· foster long-term national efforts to collect, store and openly
disseminate seismological, geodetic, and geodynamical data of all types; and
· foster long-term national efforts to monitor geodynamical events
as well as nuclear testing treaties using geophysical technologies.
The committee also serves as the U.S. member of the Inter-Union Commission
on the Lithosphere.
We are specifically looking for nominees with expertise in geodesy,
geodynamics, tsunami hazards, and/or sea level rise. Please submit your
nominations by April 14, 2017 to Courtney Gibbs (cgibbs<at><mailto:
cgibbs<at>>) or contact Deborah Glickson (dglickson<at><mailto:dgli
ckson<at>>) for more information.
The current COSG membership is:
Richard Allen, University of California, Berkeley, Chair
Thorsten W. Becker, University of Texas at Austin
Cynthia Ebinger, Tulane University
Steven Jacobsen, Northwestern University
Lisa Grant Ludwig, University of California, Irvine
Stephen R. McNutt, University of South Florida
Matthew Pritchard, Cornell University
Maya Tolstoy, Columbia University
Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University
William R. Walter, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Consultant, Neoterranean Structural Geology
Richard M. Allen
Director, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
Professor and Chair, Dept. Earth & Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley