Thread: Deadline Approaching - Seismology Skill Building Workshop for undergraduates!

Started: 2021-05-13 08:54:24
Last activity: 2021-05-13 08:54:24

Please note that the deadline for IRIS’s Seismology Skill Building Workshop for undergraduates is quickly approaching. Registration will close on May 15th. Given the response, this will be a hard deadline. Please be sure to remind any students who may be considering the program.

Who: This FREE workshop is intended for undergraduate students (e.g.... computer science, geophysics, geology, math, physics, engineering) or recent graduates (>2017) who will be starting graduate school in the fall of 2021 that want to develop scientific computing skills within a seismological context. There are no-minimum course or experiential requirements in order for students of all backgrounds to participate. However, students who have completed at least one semester of math and physics will be best able to benefit from the course. Two semesters of each math and physics would be ideal.

Goals: Increase participants'...
- Knowledge, skills, and interest in seismology and scientific computing,
- Self-efficacy in using seismic data, and
- Competitiveness in the application process for graduate school, summer internships, or professional jobs.

Content: The workshop emphasizes scientific computing and computational thinking while learning introductory seismology content.

When: May 31 to August 20, 2021. Based on the 2020 workshop, participants should expect to invest approximately 5-6 hours per week including participating in the weekly webinar (or watching the recording).

Certificate or Credit Options: At the end of the workshop participants will receive a performance report certificate via email. However, to accommodate registrants who wish to seek university credit for participating, two optional pathways have been developed.

Learn more and register at:

Best Wishes,

Michael Hubenthal
Senior Education Specialist
IRIS Education and Outreach
"Advancing awareness and understanding
of seismology & geophysics while inspiring
careers in Earth science"

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