Thread: USGS Subduction Zone Science Workshop: Registraion Open

Started: 2022-11-03 15:35:49
Last activity: 2022-11-03 15:35:49
2022-11-03 15:35:49
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Subduction Zone Science working group is hosting an in-person subduction zone science workshop at the University of Washington from January 10-11, 2023. Registration is now open (! Please register by midnight MT on November 23rd if you would like to present a short-from talk or poster, or attend the workshop.

Workshop themes align with three USGS subduction zone science priorities: 1) new observations and models of subduction zone processes, 2) the quantification of natural hazards and risk, and 3) forecasting and situational awareness of subduction zone hazards. Sessions will include a mix of invited keynotes, as well as contributed short-format talks and poster presentations. Contributions to any of the workshop themes are strongly encouraged, including recent research, new datasets, and work in progress. The meeting agenda ( also includes breakouts and discussions focusing on identifying current critical needs and research priorities from the community, and plans for a cross-discipline community of practice.

We hope to see you there!

The USGS Subduction Zone Science Working Group

Richard Briggs, Uri ten Brink, Joan Gomberg, Alex Grant, Matt Haney, Kirstie Haynie*, Jenna Hill, Emily Johnson, Jeffrey McGuire, Nathaniel Miller, Stephanie Ross, Janet Watt, Aaron Wech, and Erin Wirth

*Reach out to Kirstie Haynie (khaynie<at> with questions/comments
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