Manuals: SAC

SAC User’s Guide

This manual contains general information for the new user about what SAC can do, how it works, and how to get started. It also contains detailed information for the more experienced user on topics such as how to use SAC macros, how to read and write SAC data files from C or FORTRAN programs, and how the SAC program is structured.

Cygwin Support

Because of the nature of the SAC license, IRIS cannot distribute a binary distribution for Cygwin. For a more detailed explanation, see IRIS used to provide a separate source distribution for Cygwin, but recent releases (starting with v1.7) can build on Cygwin with the same source distribution as the other platforms. Cygwin users should request the source distribution and consult the file sac-101.6/Readme.buildsac for Cygwin-related build instructions.

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07:11:26 v.af9cd46b