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With the release of WILBER 3 in April, we have been monitoring the functioning of this replacement to the venerable WILBER 2 system, which has served the IRIS community for a long time. Because of the successful operation we have seen thus far, and the greatly enhanced features of WILBER 3, we are confident in its ability to take over full time duties as we retire WILBER 2 from operational service.
We are announcing the End of Life operation of WILBER 2 and its POND data archive on September 30th, 2013. At such time, web connections to the service will be removed, operational scripts will be silenced, and data resources will be reclaimed. All users that make regular use of WILBER 2 are encouraged to move their operations to WILBER 3 over the next couple of months. WILBER 2 will continue normal operations until this EOL deadline.
WILBER 3 is a web application for requesting event-oriented data using IRIS DMC’s web services. WILBER 3 allows users to easily find earthquakes from DMC’s database, located anywhere in the world, and access waveform data based on a particular event. Waveform data are prepared using earthquake travel times and may be downloaded in SAC, SEED, miniSEED, and ASCII formats.
WILBER 3 utilizes a variety of modern web technologies to provide a responsive, highly interactive view of event and station data. Scrollable and zoomable maps, fast sorting options, and interactive filtering controls allow browsing of thousands of events or stations at a time. Individual station plots may be visualized in this tool, and custom record section plots can also be generated.
WILBER 3 is currently in beta testing phase, and we are quickly approaching gold release. User feedback is important in making this system useful and reliable, so we welcome your feedback ( ).
We encourage you to try WILBER 3 today
- IRIS DMC Information Technology Team