North American Seismic Network Training Workshop, Quality Assurance

Seattle, United States of America

2018-08-01 — 2018-08-02

Background Information

IRIS is organizing a quality assurance workshop for North American seismic networks with training in the use of the MUSTANG system. Topics include:

  • an in-depth look into the MUSTANG web services, including the PDF Browser and recent additions
  • an overview of existing MUSTANG clients (MUSTANG Databrowser, LASSO, MUSTANGular)
  • using MUSTANG metrics and combinations of metrics to identify station problems and metadata issues
  • incorporating MUSTANG metrics into automated scripts
  • our experiences creating monthly network QA reports for _GSN and other networks

Location Details

1408 NE 45th St
Seattle, WA 98105

Technical Requirements



IRIS Data Services and National Science Foundation .

Important Dates and Venue

2018-08-01 — 2018-08-02

Workshop will be held in Seattle, United States of America.

Workshop Contacts

NSF SAGE Contact(s)

Local Contact(s)

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