Thread: Postdoctoral position at CSN, University of Chile

Started: 2016-06-30 12:55:06
Last activity: 2016-06-30 12:55:06
2016-06-30 12:55:06
Postdoctoral positions in rapid characterization of large earthquakes,
National Seismological Center, University of Chile

The mission of the National Seismological Center (CSN) of the University of Chile ( is to promote and develop the observational aspects of earthquakes in the country in order to deliver the best, most complete, refined and timely information possible related to observation of processes of earthquakes. The CSN is currently gathering data in real time from more than 100 observatories (broadband and strong motion) distributed along the country. More than 130 GNSS devices are now being connected in real time. A complementary network of 297 accelerometers will be operated and maintained be the CSN.

The CSN invites applications for a postdoctoral positions in the field of Rapid characterization of earthquakes and improvement of 3D velocity models.

It is expected that the specialist will include applications of modern techniques for refining velocity structures within the scope of developing a consistent 3D velocity model along the Chilean subduction zone and to implement a 3D location program from data to be used in automatic and routine processes.
Interest in Early Warning Systems including broadband, accelerometric and GNSS data is a plus.

Due to the budgetary cycle, both initial appointments are for one year, which can be renewed on a yearly basis.

Applicants should submit a CV, statement of purpose and the names and contact information of three referees to sbarrien<at> More information about the CSN at

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