Thread: Project scientist for earthquake early warning at UC Berkeley

Started: 2016-10-05 22:56:44
Last activity: 2016-10-05 22:56:44
Assistant/Associate Project Scientist (Job #JPF01146)

The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) seeks an Assistant or Associate
Project Scientist to work on the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning (EEW)
project. The successful candidate will monitor performance of the seismic
and geodetic algorithms contributed by the BSL to ShakeAlert, ElarmS and
GlarmS; identify performance issues; and develop and implement solutions.
He or she will also monitor and manage the BARD network, the GNSS stations
operated by the BSL, maintaining QC for the GNSS data, and ensuring that
data products are made available in a timely fashion. The successful
candidate will collaborate with colleagues within the BSL to coordinate
both EEW and GNSS related implementation and operation activities, and will
also represent the BSL in committees with partner organizations
collaborating toward EEW implementation and operation, and GNSS operations.
Project scientist tasks include writing and submitting interim and final
reports, and contributing to the development of project proposals and

More information here:

Apply here:

Richard M. Allen
Director, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
Professor and Chair, Dept. Earth & Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley

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