2017-07-10 17:28:06
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to AGU session A028 - "Combining
Physical Simulation and Machine Learning across Geophysical Sciences." This
is a broad session intended to cross disciplinary boundaries and therefore
listed under Atmospheric Sciences and cross-listed with Biogeosciences,
Hydrology, and Seismology. Our intention is to survey the breath of the
Earth Sciences on their approaches toward informing physical simulation
from machine learning.
Full Session Description:
Simulation of physical processes through solution of differential
equations, or mechanistic models, serves as a core tool of geophysical
studies. In contrast to this cause and effect-driven Physical Simulation
(PS), Machine Learning (ML) models instantiate pattern recognition
techniques and often operate as a black box. A key question is how to
combine PS and ML solutions to advance understanding of the physical system
and improve the PS. This session is seeking cross-disciplinary
presentations that demonstrate applied combinations of PS and ML. Examples
may include data assimilation (where ML may drive the design of PS), using
ML to filter PS outputs, use of PS to develop training data sets for ML and
ML approaches to classification of large scale PS outputs. Demonstrations
of practical applications are strongly encouraged.
Sean McKenna, IBM Ireland
Ronni Grapenthin, New Mexico Tech
Anna Michalak, Carnegie Institution for Science, Global Ecology
Markus Reichstein, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Ronni Grapenthin
Assistant Professor of Geophysics
Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science
New Mexico Tech
801 Leroy Pl.
Socorro, NM 87801
phone: +1 (575) 835 5924
web: http://www.grapenthin.org
office: MSEC 356
We would like to draw your attention to AGU session A028 - "Combining
Physical Simulation and Machine Learning across Geophysical Sciences." This
is a broad session intended to cross disciplinary boundaries and therefore
listed under Atmospheric Sciences and cross-listed with Biogeosciences,
Hydrology, and Seismology. Our intention is to survey the breath of the
Earth Sciences on their approaches toward informing physical simulation
from machine learning.
Full Session Description:
Simulation of physical processes through solution of differential
equations, or mechanistic models, serves as a core tool of geophysical
studies. In contrast to this cause and effect-driven Physical Simulation
(PS), Machine Learning (ML) models instantiate pattern recognition
techniques and often operate as a black box. A key question is how to
combine PS and ML solutions to advance understanding of the physical system
and improve the PS. This session is seeking cross-disciplinary
presentations that demonstrate applied combinations of PS and ML. Examples
may include data assimilation (where ML may drive the design of PS), using
ML to filter PS outputs, use of PS to develop training data sets for ML and
ML approaches to classification of large scale PS outputs. Demonstrations
of practical applications are strongly encouraged.
Sean McKenna, IBM Ireland
Ronni Grapenthin, New Mexico Tech
Anna Michalak, Carnegie Institution for Science, Global Ecology
Markus Reichstein, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Ronni Grapenthin
Assistant Professor of Geophysics
Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science
New Mexico Tech
801 Leroy Pl.
Socorro, NM 87801
phone: +1 (575) 835 5924
web: http://www.grapenthin.org
office: MSEC 356