Thread: Fluids in subduction zones

Started: 2017-08-01 17:01:32
Last activity: 2017-08-01 17:01:32
Topics: AGU Meetings
Stephen Hicks
2017-08-01 17:01:32
With <2 days to go now until the abstract deadline, we welcome submissions for the following session at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting:

T015: Fluid migration through subduction zones: observations and the consequences on geodynamic processes and natural hazards

Confirmed invited speakers:

* Geoff Abers, Cornell University
* Andre Hupers, University of Bremen

Many excellent abstracts have already been submitted across the following topics:

* Mantle fluid pathways in regions of large earthquake (e.g. Tohoku);
* Linkage between fluid migration, seismic tremor, intermediate-depth seismicity, seismic velocity and seismic attenuation;
* Numerical simulations of the influence of water on subduction zone plate motion, slab geometry and viscoelasticity;
* High P-T experiments to understand partial melting in the mantle wedge and weakening due to CO2;
* Analogues in the geological record (e.g. ancient megasplays, Precambrian plutons) to constrain megathrust mechanics and slab metamorphism.

Session description:
Water plays a vital role in the Earth's evolution. At subduction plate boundaries, vast quantities of fluid are exchanged between the Earth, ocean and atmosphere; however, water transport through subduction zones is only partially understood. Volatile cycling is fundamental to the petrogenesis and eruption of arc magmas. Fluids and dehydration reactions may also play a key role in the earthquake cycle. This session will address some key scientific questions of volatile cycling. What is the role of the slab mantle as a vessel for transporting water into the subduction zone? What are the pathways of volatiles through the subduction system thereby impacting geodynamic processes (e.g. mantle flow)? How are volatile pathways manifested in seismic, volcanic and mineralization potential? We welcome contributions from a range of studies on diverse subduction environments from various disciplines (e.g., but not limited to: geophysical imaging, rock physics, geochemistry, geodynamic modelling).

Cross-Listed divisions: Tectonophysics, Seismology, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology

Go to to view the full session details and to submit an abstract.

We very much look forward to meeting you in New Orleans.

Stephen Hicks
Lidong Bie
Andreas Rietbrock

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