Thread: Senior Staff Scientist/Polar Service Manager

Started: 2017-08-23 21:44:28
Last activity: 2017-08-23 21:44:28
Bruce Beaudoin
2017-08-23 21:44:28
Institution: PASSCAL Instrument Center, New Mexico Tech
Open Until: 2017-11-20

Job Duties:

The IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech is seeking applicants to fill the position of Senior Staff Scientist/Polar Service Manager. Primary responsibilities include: Manage and supervise Polar group staff and resources; Coordination and planning support for polar seismic experiments; Scheduling, testing, logistics, experiment lead for equipment, POC to PI; Lead field engineer and T-299 NSF POC in Antarctica; Field support of seismological experiments; Oversee engineering projects; Design and fabrication of specialized polar equipment; Documentation and web content; and Training.

Required Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree required. Area of Study: Core Engineering OR Science AND 3 years’ experience. Field data collection systems required. Engineering design required. Management or Group leadership or Project leadership desired. DC power systems desired. Time series Data Formats desired. Field Experience in Polar Environments desired.

Submission Procedure:

Applicants should submit a resume, official college transcripts, a letter of professional interests, and the names and addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: New Mexico Tech, Human Resources, 801 Leroy Place, Brown Hall Box 123, Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796. The position will open until filled.

For more information visit:
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