Thread: Marine Geology and Geophysics Program Director (Rotator), National Science Foundation

Started: 2018-03-05 21:43:34
Last activity: 2018-03-05 21:43:34
Institution: Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE), NSF
Open Until: 2018-04-10

The Marine Geology and Geophysics Program (MGG) within the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) in the Directorate of Geosciences (GEO) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a nationwide search for a Program Director (Rotator) with experience and expertise in the broad area of marine geophysics.

The MGG Program supports research in all aspects of the geology and geophysics of the ocean basins, seafloor, subseafloor, and continental margins, as well as that of the Great Lakes. The person selected for this position will work with the other Program Officers who oversee the MGG Program to manage the award portfolio across the entire range of disciplines supported by the Program.

A Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) has been released and provides detailed information, including guidance regarding qualifications required and how to submit an application. Please see (

Questions concerning the DCL should be directed to
Candace O. Major (cmajor<at> or
Deborah K. Smith (dksmith<at>

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